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Abbott the SNAKE? Why the Texas Governor’s Vaccine Passport Ban Does NOT Protect Texans


Yesterday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott banned COVID-19 vaccine passports in Texas.

Abbott stated that businesses and government entities are prohibited from enforcing these Medical Jim Crow mandates.

But there’s more to it when you dig deeper into the bill:

Here’s the bill for you to review.

I’ve saved you some time and pulled the section referencing the ban of COVID-19 vaccine passports:


(a) In this section, “COVID-19” means the 2019 novel coronavirus disease.

(b) A governmental entity in this state may not issue a vaccine passport, vaccine pass, or other standardized
documentation to certify an individual ’s COVID-19 vaccination status to a third party for a purpose other than health care or otherwise publish or share any individual ’s COVID-19 immunization record or similar health information for a purpose other than health care.

(c) A business in this state may not require a customer to provide any documentation certifying the customer ’s COVID-19 vaccination or post-transmission recovery on entry to, to gain access to, or to receive service from the business. A business that fails to comply with this subsection is not eligible to receive a grant or enter into a contract payable with state funds.

Part C is the key section here.

While the government is forbidden to enforce COVID-19 vaccine passports, it lets businesses off with a loophole.

The only punishment for businesses enforcing COVID-19 vaccine passports would be not receiving grant money or entering a contract with the government.

And not many businesses would fit that category.

So, the vast majority of companies in Texas could still violate your rights and privacy with this law.

Some people will comment ‘they’re a private company and they can do what they want.’

Private companies don’t have the right to violate health privacy laws or the 4th amendment.

If our governments (federal and state) did their job as outlined by the U.S. Constitution, then they would protect citizens from these violations.

Both from government entities and corporations.

Governor Abbott’s bill falls short to protect Texans from Medical Jim Crow Vaccine Passports.

In comparison, Governor DeSantis’s bill in Florida is what’s needed for every American citizen.

Like we saw last week, corporations like Royal Caribbean won’t be able to get away with the discrimination.


National File had the exclusive report:

Yesterday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican bracing for a difficult campaign season with strong primary challengers, claimed to sign a bill that would ban private businesses from requiring proof of vaccination – commonly referred to as vaccine passports – from customers. The bill not only fails to live up to Florida’s law in terms of what entities are prohibited from requiring the vaccine passports, but also fails to impose any meaningful penalty to businesses that refuse to comply with the law.

At the beginning of the subsection dealing with the supposed ban of vaccine passports, the law seems to codify Abbott’s previous executive order preventing the Texas government from requiring COVID-19 passports, and then appears to extend the same prohibition to businesses. However, a close reading of the bill reveals that the only penalty for a business requiring vaccine passports is that it will not be eligible for state grants or to contract with the state.

“A business in this state may not require a customer to provide any documentation certifying the customer’s COVID-19 vaccination or post-transmission recovery,” the language in the bill begins, only to continue, “A business that fails to comply with this subsection is not eligible to receive a grant or enter into a contract payable with state funds.” Texas pundits assert that very few Texas businesses fall into this category, and thus the overwhelming majority of Texas employers will be permitted to require vaccine passports with little to no negative repercussions.

This sharply contrasts to the vaccine passport ban signed into law by Florida Gov. Ron Desantis, which poses severe financial penalties of $5,000 per infraction against any business, school, or government agency that attempts to require individuals to provide proof of vaccination. Unlike Abbott’s toothless ban, Florida’s legislation already prevented Royal Caribbean International from requiring COVID-19 vaccine passports to cruise ship passengers.
Abbott previously claimed to sign an executive order banning vaccine passports. However, as National File reported, Abbott’s executive order was similarly toothless, and only prevented government entities in Texas from issuing or requiring vaccine passports. This was again in sharp contrast to the order signed by DeSantis, which prevented any private or public entity from requiring COVID-19 passports.


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