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Biden Offers Americans Free Beer And Child Care If You Take The Vaccine


The bribery continues…

In an effort to get 70% of adult American’s partially vaccinated by July the Biden Administration has offered Americans new incentives if they get vaccinated.

Some of those incentives are free beer from Anheuser-Busch and free child care for people who take the COVID-19 vaccine.

Biden in his latest speech was even quoted saying “get a shot drink a beer” to try to encourage Americans to take the jab.

WBTV covered the story and shared these details:

Dangling everything from sports tickets to a free beer, President Joe Biden is looking for that extra something — anything — that will get people to roll up their sleeves for COVID-19 shots when the promise of a life-saving vaccine by itself hasn’t been enough.

Biden on Wednesday announced a “month of action” to urge more Americans to get vaccinated before the July 4 holiday, including an early summer sprint of incentives and a slew of new steps to ease barriers and make getting shots more appealing to those who haven’t received them. He is closing in on his goal of getting 70% of adults at least partially vaccinated by Independence Day — essential to his aim of returning the nation to something approaching a pre-pandemic sense of normalcy this summer.

The Biden administration views June as “a critical month in our path to normal,” Courtney Rowe, the director of strategic communications and engagement for the White House COVID-19 response team, told the AP.

Vaccines fuel travel rebound over Memorial Day weekend
Biden’s plan will continue to use public and private-sector partnerships, mirroring the “whole of government” effort he deployed to make vaccines more widely available after he took office. The president said he was “pulling out all the stops” to drive up the vaccination rate.

Among those efforts is a promotional giveaway announced Wednesday by Anheuser-Busch, saying it will “buy Americans 21+ a round of beer” once Biden’s 70% goal is met.

“Get a shot and have a beer,” Biden said, advertising the promotion even though he himself refrains from drinking alcohol.

Additionally, the White House is partnering with early childhood centers such as KinderCare, Learning Care Group, Bright Horizons and more than 500 YMCAs to provide free childcare coverage for Americans looking for shots or needing assistance while recovering from side effects.

On a statement on they even admit that people need to “recover” from taking the vaccine.

So that’s why child care is being provided.

Take a look:

If the vaccine is so safe why do people need to recover?

The New York Post covered the Biden regimes bribery tactics and shared these details:

A partnership is giving new meaning to a shot and a beer.

Brew-maker Anheuser-Busch said Wednesday it is teaming up with the White House to “buy Americans 21+ a round of beer” if President Biden’s goal of having 70 percent of adult Americans​ vaccinated against the coronavirus is reached by the Fourth of July.

The “Let’s Grab a Beer” initiative promises its “biggest beer giveaway ever” to encourage adults to get their vaccines by the holiday.

“When the goal is met,” Anheuser-Busch will buy America’s next round of beer, seltzer, non-alcoholic beverage or other A-B product* — inclusive of over 100 brands — to enjoy with family and friends​,” the company said in a statement.​

To enter, adults can upload a picture of themselves at their favorite place to have a beer with friends to​​


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