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WATCH: Even Liberals Are Now Calling Out Hunter Biden!


They are running out of places to hide….

Russell Brand is a Liberal, and no one can dispute this. I find it pretty telling that even people like him are now calling out The Biden Crime Family for their overseas business deals.

He even calls out the media for its blatant cover up of the whole thing.

Pretty refreshing to see a Liberal voice talk about this, and I hope that this draws way more eyes, and a lot more attention to Hunter Biden and Sleepy Joe at the same time.

We need to win hearts and minds, and I think Russell Brand can do a lot to bring awareness to the blatant corruption The Biden Family is involved in.

Take a look:

The New York Post didn’t hesitate to cover the exposé:

“I’m not a pro-Republican person,” the comedian began by saying, “I don’t see myself that way. I don’t see myself as conservative.”

But Brand said he also did not align himself with the liberal “media establishments.”

“However, it seems to me,” he continued, “what reason is Hunter Biden … on the board of an energy company in … Ukraine? What reason is James Biden … on the board, or receiving payments from an energy company, in China?”

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“For me, revelations that there are financial connections between energy companies in … Ukraine, energy companies in China, and the Biden family are troubling. That should be public knowledge. And it’s even more troubling that Twitter, and Facebook and the media at large deliberately kept it out of the news because they didn’t want it to influence the election,” Brand continued.

Washington Examiner told us:

“I don’t think Donald Trump’s the answer, but I’m sad to realize that I can no longer even claim to believe Joe Biden or the Democratic Party might be the answer — because look at how they behave,” Brand said. “And look at the relationships between media, social media, and that party. They conspired to keep information away from you because it was not convenient to their agenda.”

Brand continued, “The fact is that this information was stimy-stifled controlled because it didn’t suit the shared agenda of these three pillars of power. That almost concerns me more than the nature of the revelations themselves. I don’t really have high expectations of politicians. The idea that information is being controlled — that’s not democracy. That’s not freedom. That’s manipulation of elections.”


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