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Blistering Report Points To Peter Daszak As Being The Chief Architect Of Covid-19

A report penned by the former New York Times science writer Nicholas Wade points to the idea that gain of function research was probably responsible for the virus.


This is B-I-G folks.

I briefly touched on this some time ago. Unfortunately we did not have all the details we have now, and we did not have this report by Mr.Wade.

Gain of function research was more likely than not the cause of the virus according to Wade who penned a several thousand word article to Medium.

So what is “gain of function” research? In short it is laboratory research focused on creating stronger viral strains which would otherwise NOT appear in nature in order to create defenses for it.

Sounds insanely stupid dosent it?

Well, this type of research was reportedly banned for a long time under the Obama admin, but was slowly and covertly brought back through loopholes by Daszak and others…but that’s not all.

The Hill also names Fauci as a potential co-conspirator and one of the people at the forefront of pushing through gain of function research policies while no one else was looking.

You can check out The Hill’s report in the first youtube video below.

Here is the latest on this ongoing story:



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