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Missouri Close to Making “Rush Limbaugh Day” a Reality Following House Vote


Rush Limbaugh once said:

“Enraging liberals is simply one of the more enjoyable side effects of my wisdom.”

Even after his passing, Rush still has the ability to drive liberals crazy.

After a successful vote in the Missouri House, Rush may get a whole day dedicated to that and much more.

The Missouri House successfully voted in favor of the measure on Thursday, which aims to officially make Rush’s birthday, January 12th, “Rush Limbaugh Day.”

The measure must now be approved by the state senate before the end of the day next Friday.

Liberals are already triggered.

More on the push to make January 12th "Rush Limbaugh Day" from the New York Post:

A proposal to honor late conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh with an official state designation is one step closer in Missouri.

The state’s GOP-led House approved legislation Thursday that would designate Jan. 12 as “Rush Limbaugh Day,” marking the Cape Girardeau native’s birthday, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported.

The measure now needs approval from the Senate prior to the end of the legislative session next Friday. The sponsor of the proposal, Rep. Hardy Billington (R-Poplar Bluff), tacked it onto another bill regarding several other proposed state designations, according to the report.

Limbaugh, 70, died in February after a yearlong battle with lung cancer. Tributes immediately poured in for the conservative firebrand following his death, with US House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) saying he “revolutionized American radio” and guided the conservative movement for millions of Americans.

President Donald Trump also awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom — the nation’s highest civilian honor — during his last State of the Union speech in February 2020.

Fox News has more on this potential honor for Rush:

Limbaugh passed away in February at the age of 70 following a battle with lung cancer. His wife, Kathryn, made the announcement of his death on his radio show.

The longtime radio host learned he had Stage IV lung cancer in January 2020 and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Donald Trump at the State of the Union address days later. First Lady Melania Trump presented America’s highest civilian honor to Limbaugh in the House viewing gallery.

"Rush Limbaugh: Thank you for your decades of tireless devotion to our country," President Trump said during the address.

Limbaugh is considered one of the most influential media figures in American history and has played a consequential role in conservative politics since "The Rush Limbaugh Show" began in 1988. Perched behind his Golden EIB (Excellence in Broadcasting) Microphone, Limbaugh spent over three decades as arguably both the most beloved and polarizing person in American media.

Liberals spread their typical hatred online following the news:

True Americans recognize and appreciate Rush's years of dedication to our beautiful country:


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