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A Strange Bump Appears On Biden’s Head


In Biden’s last speech many users on Twitter noticed something strange on Biden’s head.

Users on Twitter noticed a bump on Biden’s right side of his head close to his temple.

This made many people speculate how the bump came to be.

Some users believed it was a result of plastic surgery, others believed a possible chip was put in Biden’s head to help with his cognitive decline.

Take a close up look at the lump:

The Conservative Brief covered the story, check out what they added:

Joe Biden has given one gaffe filled speech after another and it has gotten so bad that some people are wondering what is wrong with his head, literally.

On Wednesday Biden gave another speech full of gaffes, but something caught the attention of one prominent Twitter user and now it has people talking.

“Hi, @PressSec— Can you please share any insights into what’s happened with President Biden’s head?” Tom Elliott, the founder of Grabien, said on Twitter addressing White House press secretary Jen Psaki.

“If you watch the vids up close you can see the bruise tint ( yellow and green tint ) covered up by make up . Someone had a fall , probably . It happens often at his age” one Twitter user suggested.

Biden also had a hard time speaking:

He struggled all throughout his speech, he’s another example:

Biden usually struggles to speak during his speeches but this time it was even worse.

Could the bump on his head be a part of that?

Did the Cabal implant something into his head to make it easier for him to receive orders?


Did Biden have an old man moment and fall just like he fell down the stairs of Air Force One a while back?


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