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Jim Crow-Style Segregation Begins, New York Yankees & Mets Separate Vaccinated & Unvaccinated Fans at Games


When New York announced the Excelsior Pass, I knew a two-tiered caste system that discriminated against those unwilling to get the COVID-19 experimental jab was on the horizon.

And it appears the segregated society of our “New Normal” has started in New York.

Stadiums for the New York Yankees & Mets will reopen to all fans later this month, but there will be separate sections for vaccinated and unvaccinated fans.

King Cuomo announced the seating arrangements for vaccinated and unvaccinated fans inside the stadium.

But one thing remained the same for all fans, face diapers required for everyone.

Many baseball fans weren’t too thrilled to hear the news.

Some pointed out the idiocy of separating vaccinated parents from unvaccinated children.

Others wanted unvaccinated fans to receive worse treatment.

Here are some of the replies:

Summit News had more info:

Unvaccinated people are to be segregated from those who have received the COVID-19 jab at New York Yankees & Mets games, it has been revealed.

Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the news in a tweet, adding that capacities will be reduced to 33% in unvaccinated areas “to comply with CDC social distancing rules.”

All fans will be forced to wear face masks, despite CDC guidelines stating that those who have received the vaccine should no longer have to wear masks outside.

Cuomo provided no details on how fans would prove they have been vaccinated before attending the game.

This represents the beginning of a de facto domestic vaccine passport for Americans.

While unvaccinated fans will be allowed to attend games, albeit in a segregated area, there’s no guarantee they won’t be prevented from entering stadiums in the near future when the vaccine has been offered to everybody.

The segregation policy is also being implemented by other countries, including Hong Kong, where unvaccinated people are seated in different areas of restaurants and restricted to a total of 4 people per table.

Respondents to Cuomo’s announcement expressed a mixture of sentiments, with some saying unvaccinated people should be barred altogether, while others complaining that they won’t be able to bring their unvaccinated kids to the game.

Others pointed out that the policy is straight up segregation and will only end in disaster.

And from Bloomberg:

SIGN THE PETITION: We Need National Voter ID!

New York Yankees and Mets stadiums will reopen to all fans on May 19, with separate sections for vaccinated and unvaccinated spectators.

Those who are vaccinated can sit together at 100% capacity, as long as they wear masks. The unvaccinated fans will need to wear masks and also observe a 6-foot (1.8-meter) social distancing rule, which works out to about 33% capacity in those sections, Governor Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday.

Fans will be able to get vaccines at the games, under a deal between the state and the teams. Those who get a shot at a game will get a free ticket to another game, Cuomo said. New York joins several other states offering incentives for vaccines as the pace of inoculations slow.

The governor also announced that Broadway tickets will go on sale Thursday, with shows starting Sept. 14 at full capacity, Cuomo said.

Although some people don’t agree with my sentiments, but those unvaccinated from the COVID-19 experimental jabs are now second-class citizens in New York.

But I’d rather be a second-class citizen than inject one of these experimental jabs into my body.


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