Disturbing new reports have indicated that the University of Pittsburgh is conducting grotesque experiments with parts from aborted fetuses.
The horrific experiments involve grafting the scalps of aborted fetuses onto living mice to study human skin infections.
And investigations indicate that the funding for the experiments came from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
You know, the agency ran by Anthony Fauci.
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Fauci’s agency has spent over $400,000 on these disgusting experiments using aborted fetuses.
Here’s more on the shocking reports:
Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh are using scalps from aborted babies to create “humanized mice” for dubious research projects.
And an investigation found DR. ANTHONY FAUCI is funding these experiments with aborted baby parts!
This is EVIL!https://t.co/CtvuADV7nQ pic.twitter.com/P4mgn9xRs6
— LifeNews.com (@LifeNewsHQ) May 4, 2021
"The University of Pittsburgh, with NIH funding through Tony Fauci and others, sponsors legal child murder at Planned Parenthood then experiments on the resulting fetuses, some of them still alive." https://t.co/5RdzHJSrzf
— Julianne ✝️🎃👻 (@KindeandTrue) May 4, 2021
Anthony Fauci is directly involved along with the NIH and University of Pittsburgh in using aborted baby parts for grotesque scientific experiments. Some real sick sh!t.
— #DeSantis2024- Russ (@RussSegner) May 5, 2021
Government-Sponsored University Pittsburgh – FETUS TRAFFICKING https://t.co/7nTX7sOZjH
Dr. Fauci’s NIAID pays for barbaric experiments on aborted infants, scalping 5-month-old fetuses to stitch onto lab rats, exporting fetal kidneys, infants delivered alive for liver harvesting—— Cindy Ingold (@IngoldIsrael) May 5, 2021
Just the News reported:
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the federal health agency run for decades by celebrated White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci, has spent over $400,000 funding a series of experiments that grafted the scalps of aborted fetuses onto living mice, studies that were meant to investigate the human skin’s propensity for developing infections.
The research, published last fall in the journal Nature, was performed by a dozen scientists out of the University of Pittsburgh. The experiments involved developing rat and mouse “models” using, in part, “full-thickness fetal skin” in order to “provide a platform for studying human skin infections.”
The report notes that the “human skin tissues” used in the skin grafting experiments were obtained “from the scalp and dorsum” of “donors,” namely aborted fetuses.
“Full-thickness human fetal skin was processed via removal of excess fat tissues attached to the subcutaneous layer of the skin, then engrafted over the rib cage, where the mouse skin was previously excised,” the study states.
Some of the grafted fetal skin, the study notes, matured into “adult-like human skin.” Some of the grafts even developed “human skin appendages,” including “human hair evident at 12 weeks post-transplantation.”
Graphic photographs from the study show patches of human skin grafted to rodent bodies and clearly sprouting human hair.
Researchers involved with the study did not respond to queries for comment on the research. The NIAID and Anthony Fauci also did not respond to queries seeking more information about the project’s funding, including how often the NIAID funds projects using aborted fetal remains.
Federal records show that the NIAID supplied the project with about $430,000 in funding over 2018 and 2019.
The research was published quietly last year and received relatively little attention outside of pro-life circles, though this week it was referenced during a Pennsylvania state legislature hearing on fetal experimentation.
And from Life Site News:
A shocking new video report reveals that the University of Pittsburgh is a major hub for the trafficking of and experimentation on aborted baby organs and body parts. The report links the funding for the university’s operation to a large grant from U.S. COVID-19 guru Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NAIAD office at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Produced by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), the 6-minute video was released in in conjunction with pro-life hero and CMP founder David Daleiden’s testimony before Pennsylvania’s State House of Representatives exposing government-sponsored grotesque experimentation using aborted baby parts at the University of Pittsburgh (U of Pitt), scheduled for later today.
In December, LifeSite reported that the University of Pittsburgh has been conducting medical research by grafting scalps from aborted babies onto rodents.
After publishing a report in the National Catholic Register about the many ways that aborted children are being used for scientific research at major universities and hospitals in the United States, author Stacy A. Trasancos tweeted a summary of her horrifying findings.
She linked the Mengelian research to Fauci:
Aborted baby scalps grafted onto mice. Their organs transplanted. Humanized mice developed at the University of Pittsburgh, all to study the immune system. Supported by Dr. Fauci’s NIAID. Paid for by us.
Trasancos is Executive Director of Bishop Joseph Strickland’s St. Philip Institute of Catechesis and Evangelization in the Diocese of Tyler, Texas.
Bishop Strickland retweeted her report, declaring:
These are crimes against humanity that should be prosecuted. Silence in the face of these atrocities simply adds to the evil. Wake up America! Demand that this stops NOW!
But as the CMP video reports, “It gets worse.”
“The University of Pittsburgh is a hub for some of the most barbaric experiments carried out on late term aborted human infants — experiments funded by the United States government,” explains the narrator. “At the same time, the University sponsors the local Planned Parenthood abortion business in what looks like an illegal quid-pro-quo for fetal body parts.”
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