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Timothy Dixon Just Gave The Most Powerful Prophecy I Have Heard: “Just a few short days…”


I know many of you, just like me, love hearing what Timothy Dixon has to say about our country and our elections.

For one, he has a very humble spirit and is not at all “showy” or looking for fame or fortune.

Second, many of the things he has said have come to pass exactly like he said and quickly too!

So many of us are paying greater attention when he releases a message and todays was a big one.

I have heard a lot of messages from Timothy Dixon but this was the most powerful, the most forceful and the most urgent of any I have heard.

At one point, he said it will be “just a few short days now”.

For what, you ask?

He had a full list.

I never want to do an injustice to people by summarizing what they say and risking getting something wrong or not the exact way they said it, so I’ll give you my summary but you HAVE to just watch exactly what he said.


The hour is now upon you.

The evil on this country will be exposed, the deceit will be exposed.

They thought they got away with it all, done in dark places, but it will ALL be exposed.

The wealth of the wicked will soon be destroyed.

The ax will be laid to their roots.

The time is now.

It will be a GREAT shaking unlike anything you have seen.

The Media will be toppled for their role…the LORD will cause it to fall.

Calamities are coming on all governments….to know the LORD is doing this.

Italy will be shaken and split in two for its role.

And for the evil in the Vatican and beneath the surface of the Vatican.

It will all be brought into the open.

Land in Italy will be sold for nothing because of the shaking that is coming.

A plague is coming on the wicked.

The day will come all at once…with the stroke of a pen.

I am headed down to Florida, says the LORD, to bring back the one I have chosen!

You can watch here safely on Rumble:

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