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CNN Director Caught on Camera: It’s “A bunch of black men that have been attacking Asians”


Have you seen all the news stories about the increase in anti-Asian hate crimes?

According to the fake news media, the anti-Asian hate crimes are a result of President Trump.

Remember, the Democrats and their friends in the media freaked out when Trump referred to COVID-19 as the “China Virus” or the “Wuhan Virus.”

They even lost their sense of humor when he said “Kung Flu.”

Apparently, the media blamed Trump for the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes.


The reality is that most of the hate crimes against Asian have been committed by…

… wait for it …

… black men.

Now, you don’t have to be a political scientist to know that the majority of black men vote for Democrats.

So… these aren’t Trump supporters.

In other words, if there’s been an increase in hate crimes against Asian, and the overwhelming majority of these crimes are being committed by black men, then this has nothing to do with President Trump!

And CNN knows this!

They are not idiots!

And now we have PROOF that they are trying to push a narrative.

A CNN technical director was caught on camera saying:

A bunch of black men that have been attacking Asians.

He also then appeared to suggest that CNN has purposefully selected stories featuring white aggressors to make it look like the hate crimes are only being done by white people.

You really can’t make this stuff up.

Watch the video below:

In case you can’t watch the video with sound, here’s what Chester said:

I was trying to do some research on the Asian hate, like the people [who] are getting attacked and whatnot. A bunch of black men have been attacking Asians. I’m like ‘What are you doing? Like, we [CNN] are trying to help BLM.

The optics of that are not good. These [are] little things that are enough to set back movements, because the far left will start to latch on and create stories like ‘criminalizing an entire people,’ you know, just easier headlines that way, I guess.

I haven’t seen anything about focusing on the color of people’s skin that aren’t white. They [CNN] just aren’t saying anything. You know what I mean?

You can shape an entire people’s perception about anything [depending] on how you do it

Keep in mind, this is the same person who claimed that President Trump was kicked out of office thanks to CNN.

Fox News reports:

A staffer for CNN spoke candidly to an undercover journalist about the political motivations the network had during the 2020 presidential election, boasting the left-leaning outlet helped defeat former President Donald Trump and even calling his own employer “propaganda.”

In the first installment of what’s billed as a three-part #ExposeCNN campaign from the right-wing guerilla news outlet Project Veritas, network technical director Charles Chester shed light on how the network wanted to remove its nemesis from the White House and help now-President Biden.

“Look at what we did, we got Trump out,” Chester said in a celebratory tone. “I am 100% going to say it. And I 100% believe it that if it wasn’t for CNN, I don’t know that Trump would have got voted out.”

While similar videos are sometimes deceptively edited and taken out of context, many comments made by Chester throughout the video are longer clips that feature him speaking in clear, complete sentences.

In a series of sitdowns with an undercover journalist over the past month, Chester — who bragged he was “one step down” from a director — claimed CNN was “creating a story” that questioned Trump’s health that “we didn’t know anything about,” calling it “propaganda” to help remove Trump from office.

“Trump was, I don’t know, like shaking his hand or whatever… we brought in like so many medical people to like all tell a story that, like, it was all speculation that he was like neurologically damaged, that he was losing it, he’s unfit to, you know, whatever,” Chester said. “We were creating a story that we didn’t know anything about.”

CNN did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The network also did not immediately respond when asked if Chester is still employed.

We don’t know about you, but to us, Chester’s comments are damning.

There’s just no way to spin those comments.

It’s clear from Chester’s perspective that CNN is trying to push an agenda, rather than cover the news objectively.

Michelle Malkin, a conservative commentator who happens to be Asian herself, confirms these facts.

She wrote a column titled “Asians: Stop blaming Whitey.”

In the column, she stated the truth: that black men are behind the increase in anti-Asian hate crimes.

According to Michelle Malkin:

Can I have your attention, please? I’m going to share a little secret that liberal “people of color” and their public relations agents in the media don’t want you to know. The recent crime wave against Asians in America’s big cities is not the fault of Donald Trump, MAGA activists, conservative talk radio, or White people. It’s the fault of the perpetrators and the perpetrators alone — most of whom happen to be thugs “of color.”

Let’s pop the delusional bubble of left-wing Asians who marched recently in New York City, Oakland and San Francisco in “unity” protests against “White supremacy.” These “wokesters” blame “anti-Asian bias” created by an imagined backlash by imagined “White supremacists” against China because of COVID-19. Donning “Black and Asian unity” T-shirts, they embraced the self-defeating attitude of Oakland organizer Eddy Zheng, who wheedled: “Supporting our Asian community is not about dividing us. This support is for all of us suffering under White supremacy. We need to understand that so we can triumph and have public and personal safety.”

Reality check: Just recently in Vallejo, California, Filipino-American store owner Marc Quidit was shot four times in the leg by a gang of armed robbers. They were Black.

Two weeks ago, in Oakland’s Chinatown, a 91-year-old Asian man was assaulted by an assailant amidst a crime wave of more than 20 robberies and violent attacks in that neighborhood. The attacker wasn’t a White-hooded White man in a KKK robe. He was a masked Black man in a black hoodie.

In Daly City, California, an 84-year-old Thai grandfather died after a brutal attack while on a daytime walk in his neighborhood. His attacker was a teenage Black street criminal.

Viral videos have exposed several vicious attacks on elderly Asian subway riders and pedestrians in New York City since last fall. An inconvenient detail that anyone with functional eyes can see: The perpetrators in the security camera footage aren’t wearing MAGA hats. They don’t have flaming crosses in hand. Inconveniently for the “defund the police” hipsters, the opportunists robbing, punching and shooting Asians on those videos aren’t White people. They are Black — and that’s just plain fact.

More facts: Federal Bureau of Justice statistics data show that of nearly 600,000 violent interracial victimizations involving Blacks and Whites, Black suspects committed 537,204 interracial felonies (not including homicides), or 90%, and Whites committed 56,394 of them, or less than 10%. The Red Elephants blog points out that Black perpetrators are also overrepresented among all perpetrators of hate crimes — by 50% — according to the most recent Justice Department data from 2017. Whites are underrepresented by 24%.

You never hear these facts from mainstream media. It’s a sin of omission that amounts to journalistic malpractice. The leftist Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers have zero evidence that the thugs robbing and murdering vulnerable elderly Asians have ever cared one iota about politics, COVID-19, race or Trump. They have zero evidence that these street attacks were inspired by “anti-Asian hate” — as opposed to pure opportunism, criminal malice or plain evil.

These crimes in liberal cities are spiking as radical, George Soros-backed district attorneys enact soft-on-crime policies such as “restorative justice” that let violent criminals run free. Chesa Boudin, San Francisco’s Soros-supported D.A. and son of convicted Weather Underground terrorists, dropped robbery, elder abuse and hate crime charges last year against a 20-year-old Black suspect caught on tape attacking an elderly Asian man. Burglaries, arson and motor vehicle thefts have all spiked as Boudin has abandoned prosecution of “quality of life” crimes, as well as prosecutions for felony arrests.

And here’s another piece of ugly news.

SIGN THE PETITION: We Need National Voter ID!

Most of these attacks are not happening in the South.

Heck, they aren’t even happening in Republican states.

Most of these attacks are happening in New York City, Chicago, and San Francisco.

What do these places have in common?

They are run by corrupt Democrats.



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