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Mike Lindell on Jimmy Kimmel Live?


Well this is certainly interesting….

I gotta admit, I find Jimmy Kimmel virtually intolerable, but I actually thought this little exchange between Kimmel and Mike Lindell was pretty great, mostly because Mike made it great.

So here’s the short story….

Apparently Kimmel has been talking on his show about wanting Mike to come on as a guest.

In typical sarcastic form, Kimmel said:

“We’ll do the interview in bed surrounded by pillows. Just me and Mike snuggled up side by side in a California king surrounded by goosefeathers.”

Well, Mike is smart and a good natured guy so he responded.

And it’s pretty hilarious.

Take a look:

Jimmy’s expression at the end says it all.

His face is basically saying “I guess this is actually going to happen?”

I say go for it Mike!

Walk into the lion’s den and outclass the ass!

What do you think, should Mike go on the show?

Or is it beneath him?

Let’s get serious for a minute….

Over 20 retailers have BANNED and CANCELLED Mike Lindell over his support for President Trump.

We’re doing everything we can here at WeLoveTrump to support him and keep him in business.

Forget big retail….buy direct from Mike at and if you use my promo code WLT you can save up to 66% off your purchase!

Here are a couple suggestions…..

  1. Get the Giza cotton sheets.  My #1 favorite by far.
  2. A close second favorite is the bath towels.  Get the bath sheet, it’s perfect.  It’s soft but it actually soaks up water.  Imagine that!
  3. If you already have enough for your house, consider blessing someone else!  Homeless shelters are always in need of brand new pillows, towels and TWIN bed sheets.  Purchase direct from Mike and then donate to your local homeless shelter.  WIN-WIN-WIN.


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