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Mainstream Media and CDC Desperately Campaign to Vaccine-Hesitant Americans


I don’t know about you, but seeing the lamestream media’s vaccine campaign ramp up in recent days makes me sick.

It’s one thing to recommend a health benefit, and it’s another to try and persuade Americans into an experiment.

With over half of Americans vaccinated, the government is now focusing on those not vaccinated.

It was easy to get the sheep to take their shot, but not so easy with the rest of us critical thinkers.  

American’s aren’t buying into the hype, either. Here are what some are saying on Twitter:

The ramped-up campaign is coming directly from Biden. Here’s what the NYTimes has to say about the vaccine-hesitant campaign:

Now that President Biden has met his goal to have all adults eligible for the coronavirus vaccine, health officials around the country are hitting what appears to be a soft ceiling: More than half the nation’s adults have received at least one dose, but it is going to take hard work — and some creative changes in strategy — to convince the rest.

State health officials, business leaders, policymakers and politicians are struggling to figure out how to tailor their messages, and their tactics, to persuade not only the vaccine hesitant but also the indifferent. Officials in many states are looking past mass vaccination sites and toward having patients get vaccinated by their own doctors, where people are most at ease — a shift that will require the Biden administration to ship vaccine in much smaller quantities.

White House and state health officials are calling this next phase of the vaccination campaign “the ground game,” and are likening it to a get-out-the-vote effort. The work will be labor intensive — much of it may fall on private employers — but the risk is clear: If it takes too long to reach “herd immunity,” the point at which the spread of the virus slows, worrisome new variants could emerge that evade the vaccine.

“If you think of this as a war,” said Michael Carney, the senior vice president for emerging issues at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, “we’re about to enter the hand-to-hand combat phase of the war.”

Biden views vaccine-hesitant Americans as easy to persuade- like his voter base.

Apparently, he’s also in a war with those who value medical freedom.

It sure can feel like war dodging all the happy vaccinated people trying to tell me what’s good for me!

Twitter revealed some funny insights from conservatives seeing through the propaganda. This one compares the CDC’s infographic characters to NPCs (non-player character who do not think for themselves):

Let’s not forget the CDC recommends mask-wearing even after vaccination. 

It’s all about control with the globalists- they have a “don’t think, obey” mentality. I see plenty of mask-wearers outside and in their cars alone.

Thank the Lord, many Americans still aren’t buying the propaganda.

The mainstream media had to create a strategy to attack those uninterested in the covid vaccine, yet interested in medical freedom. So they push article after article out to combat this newfound revelation that Americans don’t want a vaccine for a virus with a 99% survival rate. 

Even the athletes and actors are getting in on the government-sponsored fun.

Indeed, the issue boils down to medical freedom, which Biden wants to take away.

Many doctors want to strip it away too.

While other doctors try and play up how wonderful and amazing the vaccine is:

Don’t try and back up the uncertain safety of the covid vaccine with a VAERS (Vacine Adverse Event Reporting System) Report- the mainstream media worked to discredit VAERS back in February. Here is what the AP news had to say about it:

CLAIM: Screenshots of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System show people who have died after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. 

AP’S ASSESSMENT: Missing context. The VAERS system is an unverified reporting system that does not determine if a vaccine caused the events that are reported. 

VAERS was created in 1990 to give anyone from health care professionals to the general public the chance to submit reports. The data is publicly available online. The CDC says on its website that “reports submitted to VAERS often lack details and sometimes contain errors.”

Posts online are sharing VAERS data without any context. Screenshots of the data being shared online give a vague description to paint a much darker version of reality and mislead social media users into believing that the vaccine is causing more adverse events than the public is being told. 

“VAERS – A MUST WATCH!!!!,” one video showing VAERS data on Instagram said. “I bet you haven’t seen any of THIS information about the COVID-19 vaccine covered on CNN, or any off the other treasonous corrupt mainstream media!”

Some screenshots show only a VAERS identification number, the age of the person who was vaccinated, the day they received the vaccine and the day they died to suggest that people are dying from the vaccine. The posts with misleading captions are being widely shared across social media platforms. 

“I have not seen any data supporting that the vaccine caused a relationship with an increase in mortality rate or something like that,” said Dr. Werner Bischoff, an infectious disease specialist at Wake Forest University. 

According to the CDC, VAERS does not determine if the vaccine caused the reported adverse events, which can often happen coincidentally after immunization. 

VAERS has often been misrepresented by anti-vaccine advocates, and the distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine has brought more attention to the  surveillance system.”

By the way, VAERS has been taken seriously up until the pandemic.

It looks to me like a game of “Nothing to see here folks…move along!”

America’s Frontline doctors knew there was Covid treatment from day one!

Other brave doctors are urging patients to learn the risks associated with the covid vaccine.

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It would make sense to first learn all the facts, then make an educated decision, especially when it comes to your health!

With so many states mandating this-and-that in the same of safety, it feels like the slow erosion of medical freedom.

Leave it to Texas to lead the pack to save medical freedom. The governor has already declared vaccine passports banned. Now, Drs are working with Senator Bob Hall to create bills for early treatment and information.

Hopefully more states will follow Texas’ example and pave the way for our right to choose.

As a side note: You should still absolutely submit a report to VAERS if you experience a side-effect from the covid vaccine. Or you can just not take one and say NO to the globalists’ depopulation agenda and their propaganda- that’s what I plan to do.


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