None of us are new to this.
Another day another Conservative voice silenced by the big tech oligarchy.
James O’Keefe is a warrior for truth, and a lot of people just don’t seem to like that very much.
Maybe they should try debating the guy instead of shutting him down. Imagine a world where that actually happens!
Dennis Prager said it best when he pointed out that the left cannot survive without censorship. Leftism, and its Marxist, Lenninist, Communist, and Socialist bedfellows die in the sunlight.
That sunlight is free speech.
If they know our messages and points of view are so wrong and so backward then why censor?
What are they so afraid of?
Take a look:
Fox News reported:
Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe told Fox News Thursday he will sue Twitter for "defamation" after the platform permanently suspended his account over the alleged use of "fake accounts".
A Twitter spokesperson told Fox News that O'Keefe was "permanently suspended for violating the Twitter Rules on platform manipulation and spam."
"As outlined in our policy on platform manipulation and spam, 'You can’t mislead others on Twitter by operating fake accounts,' and 'you can’t artificially amplify or disrupt conversations through the use of multiple accounts.'"
O'Keefe categorically denied Twitter's assertions, demanding the social meda giant point to the "fake accounts" and insisting the claims amount to "libel."

Forbes had this to say:
Project Veritas is known for carrying out hidden-camera stings on media outlets and left-wing groups, and it’s often accused of posting deceptive videos and spreading out-of-context claims (the group has denied these allegations). Most recently, the group released a string of videos targeting CNN: It leaked audio from months’ worth of CNN editorial meetings last year, and it posted videos of an apparent CNN staffer claiming the network deliberately tried to undermine former President Donald Trump and his allies.
Project Veritas was itself suspended from Twitter two months ago for violating the social network’s private information policy. O’Keefe was also temporarily locked out of his account at the time, but he was later reinstated.
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