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“Operation Homebound” – Los Angeles Sheriff’s Dept. FORCE Vaccine On Homeless & Mentally Disabled WITHOUT Their Consent!


This is what pure evil looks like.

Let me introduce you to “Operation Homebound”, a new operation in Los Angeles to forcefully vaccine the homeless and mentally disabled.

And it looks like that means WITHOUT the person’s consent if necessary.

I’m about to show you a truly horrific video that should never be allowed to occur in America.

Watch this woman being forcefully injected against her will….

Here’s more, from Newswars:

Horrific video out of California shows LAPD officers forcibly administer the COVID-19 vaccine to a trio of women with special needs who were forcefully resisting the shot.

The footage shows a terrified special needs woman struggling to escape getting jabbed while being constrained by two officers as the third officer sticks the needle in her arm.

“I’ll be gentle, ok? I’ll be gentle,” the officer with the vaccine said.

“Noooooo!” the woman screamed.

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After forcibly injecting her with the experimental mRNA vaccine, the officers then clapped as the woman continued wailing.

Another special needs girl is seen in a driveway trying to escape the officers with the vaccine before also getting jabbed.

Next, the officers appeared to administer the COVID-19 to a sleeping patient with Alzheimer’s disease without her knowledge or consent.

“There you go, piece of cake. It’s okay hon, we just gave you a vaccination, that’s all,” the female officer said as the woman began to wake up.

This disturbing footage is part of Los Angeles’ Operation Homebound, which the LA County Sheriff’s Office says is a “program designed to vaccinate the most underrepresented, homebound, and underserved disabled residents in our communities, including those experiencing homelessness.”

This particular state-run vaccine initiative appears to be just another insidious form of the eugenics operation already underway as the vaccine is being rolled out across the world.

From the LA Sheriff’s Department website, here is the official write up about the evils of “Operation Homebound”:

On January 7, 2021, Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva put “Operation Homebound” into motion. A program designed to vaccinate the most underrepresented, homebound, and underserved disabled residents in our communities, including those experiencing homelessness.

Deputy paramedics preparing vaccines for a home bound resident.
We are administering the Johnson & Johnson (1 shot only) vaccine utilizing our deputy sheriff personnel who are certified paramedics and emergency medical technicians. LASD is working with local community based organizations like “Integrated Community Collaborative” and “Disability Voices United” to connect with LA County residents most in need, go to their residences, and provide them this life-saving opportunity.

If you fall into this category and need our help, please contact your local Sheriff’s patrol station, or send an email to the Sheriffs Information Bureau at or call (213) 229-1700, to receive more information about #OperationHomebound.

Here is a backup from Rumble:



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