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CNN Crew Member Pelted With Bottle, Crew Chased Away by Rioters

CNN can't spin the violence that was directed towards them live on the air by Minneapolis rioters.


CNN likes to skew the truth more than most other fake news organizations.

They are quick to make excuses for rioters, and constantly deny violence that is occuring right in front of them. 

What happens when the violence is caught on air and directed towards them though?

A crew of reporters found out the hard way as they were reporting live at the Brooklyn Center Police District in Minneapolis. 

As a protestor being interviewed by CNN assured them that the protests were “all peace,” a camera crew member was pelted in the face with a water bottle.

Protestors could be heard mocking the man as he fell to the ground, clearly stunned from the attack.

The man can be heard saying “I’m fine” in the video.

Moments later, however, the entire CNN crew was chased away by a group of protestors screaming, “Get the f*** out of here.”

Luckily, the crew made their escape without encountering any more violence.



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