Can you believe millions of fools think the events of the last year were about a virus?
The “conspiracy theorists” have been proven right again and again.
And one of those nutty theories was the Great Reset.
The globalist plan to create a One World Government and control the global population.
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Well, it appears the globalist shills are continuing to come out of the woodworks.
24 shills to be exact.
That’s how many world leaders met together to establish a global pandemic treaty to prevent future pandemics.
Prevent future pandemics?
Oh goodie, that’s so noble of them.
But do the sheep know that it also includes global vaccinations, unilateral global governance, and the end of national sovereignty?
They’re too busy wearing 3 masks, balled up in the fetal position, waiting for experimental jabs, and listening to the establishment mouthpieces on TV.
Critical thinkers have warned about this day for years.
And we’re teetering on the edge of a One World Government.
COVID-19 was simply the trojan horse to implement it.
#GreatReset #BuildBackBetterDebat
— #KICKOUTRUTTE (@VrijeMeinung) March 31, 2021
24 World Leaders call for new global health treaty which is The Great Reset in all but name. Share widely
— Richie Allen (@BBGRichie) March 30, 2021
Hey @GeorgeGammon, check this list of countries we should avoid 🤔
24 World Leaders Openly Call For The Great Reset |
— 9M-SMS (@Shazrim) March 31, 2021
And our dear president has now signed this!!! He's not on our side – that's for sure!!!
— FreedomIsAll 🇦🇺🇿🇦 (@bevbrossy) March 31, 2021
If you’re wondering which leaders signed this flaming piece of garbage, I got you covered.
Here’s the list of globalist shills and the countries they hail from:
V. Bainimarama, prime minister of Fiji;
António Luís Santos da Costa, prime minister of Portugal;
Klaus Iohannis, president of Romania;
Boris Johnson, prime minister of the United Kingdom;
Paul Kagame, president of Rwanda;
Uhuru Kenyatta, president of Kenya;
Emmanuel Macron, president of France;
Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany;
Charles Michel, president of the European Council;
Kyriakos Mitsotakis, prime minister of Greece;
Moon Jae-in, president of the Republic of Korea;
Sebastián Piñera, president of Chile;
Carlos Alvarado Quesada, president of Costa Rica;
Edi Rama, prime minister of Albania;
Cyril Ramaphosa, president of South Africa;
Keith Rowley, prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago;
Mark Rutte, prime minister of the Netherlands;
Kais Saied, president of Tunisia;
Macky Sall, president of Senegal;
Pedro Sánchez, Prime Minister of Spain;
Erna Solberg, prime minister of Norway;
Aleksandar Vučić, president of Serbia;
Joko Widodo, president of Indonesia;
Volodymyr Zelensky, president of Ukraine;
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organisation
What a noble list of traitors to humanity!
If you’re from one of these countries or know people there, I’d share this info with them pronto.
Life Site News reported:
U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the head of the World Health Organisation (WHO), as well as 20 other world leaders, joined forces in penning a joint letter with the apparent intent of winning popular support for the globalist plan.
Writing in U.K. paper The Telegraph, as well as other publications such as Le Monde in France, the leaders declared their intent to “build a more robust international health architecture that will protect future generations.”
Calling COVID-19 the “biggest challenge to the global community since the 1940s,” the 24 leaders predicted that there “will be other pandemics and other major health emergencies.”
“No single government or multilateral agency can address this threat alone,” they declared. “The question is not if, but when. Together, we must be better prepared to predict, prevent, detect, assess and effectively respond to pandemics in a highly co-ordinated fashion. The Covid-19 pandemic has been a stark and painful reminder that nobody is safe until everyone is safe.”
This final phrase could indicate the influence which World Economic Forum (WEF) founder and committed globalist Klaus Schwab enjoys over the 24 leaders. Just weeks ago, Schwab declared, “As long as not everybody is vaccinated, nobody will be safe,” a statement which in itself poses an interesting question about the trust which such leaders are placing in their much praised, but dangerous, experimental injections.
The leaders re-affirmed their joint aim of global vaccination, describing it as “global public good.”
In order to achieve that “public good,” and to ensure swift roll-out of vaccines across the globe, the 24 globalists initiated their new international treaty: “[W]e believe that nations should work together towards a new international treaty for pandemic preparedness and response. Such a renewed collective commitment would be a milestone in stepping up pandemic preparedness at the highest political level.”
This treaty would be based on the principles of the WHO, drawing from the WHO’s constitution, as well as calling on “other relevant organisations key to this endeavour.” The WHO’s director-general, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, was one of the signatories of the statement.
“The main goal of this treaty would be to foster an all of government and all of society approach, strengthening national, regional and global capacities and resilience to future pandemics,” the leaders declared.
“This includes greatly enhancing international co-operation to improve, for example, alert systems, data-sharing, research and local, regional and global production and distribution of medical and public health counter-measures such as vaccines, medicines, diagnostics and personal protective equipment.”
Nor would it be centered purely on globalist vaccination agendas. Due to the leaders’ “One Health” approach, it would build on the principle of a connection between “the health of humans, animals and our planet.”
In language reminiscent of the Great Reset agenda, promoted by the WEF and Klaus Schwab, the leaders mentioned that the new treaty would lead to a lack of national interests, and increased international concerns: “[S]uch a treaty should lead to more mutual accountability and shared responsibility, transparency and co-operation within the international system and with its rules and norms.”
No section of society would be exempt from becoming involved in the new treaty, whatever it may turn out to look like, with the world leaders pointing out that “we will work with heads of state and governments globally, and all stakeholders including civil society and the private sector.”
Declaring that the coronavirus, which originated in Wuhan, China, had “exploited our weaknesses and divisions,” the leaders pronounced it to be their “responsibility” to “ensure that the world learns the lessons of the Covid-19 pandemic,” and to “seize this opportunity and come together as a global community for peaceful co-operation that extends beyond this crisis.”
The proposal is due to be further discussed among national leaders at the June G7 summit in Cornwall in the U.K., where Boris Johnson will join his counterparts from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the U.S., and the E.U. Meanwhile, the 24 signatories warned that their new plan “will take time and require a sustained political, financial and societal commitment over many years.”
From Richie Allen:
The new treaty would be rooted in the constitution of The World Health Organization. “At a time when Covid-19 has exploited our weaknesses and divisions, we must seize this opportunity and come together as a global community for peaceful cooperation that extends beyond this crisis,” the leaders said.
This is terrifying. For many years, I have been featuring writers, researchers and academics who warned us that this would happen. This is the end game.
International treaties are about one thing and one thing only, that is, concentrating power in the hands of a tiny elite. It’s what globalists have been working towards for decades.
It’s much more convenient for corporations and banks to do business with 24 countries who agree to regulatory alignment, than if those corporations have to deal with 24 individual countries whose rules and regulations are different.
This is what the EU was always about. I’ve been banging that drum for years.
Bill Gates, through his subsidiaries the WHO, CEPI and GAVI, and pharma giants like AstraZeneca, GSK and Pfizer, wants to vaccinate the world’s population against every illness you can name. AZ, GSK and Pfizer have received billions of dollars in grants from Gates.
June Raine, head of the UK’s medicine regulator MHRA, is on the record as saying that countries would be moving away from the traditional approach of treating illnesses when they arise, to a new era where the focus will be on prevention.
It’s claimed that new mRNA technology has opened up a world of possibilities for preventing illness. Vaccines are in development for obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cancers and allergies. Imagine what the vaccination schedule for children could look like in ten years?
Bill Gates wants these vaccines to be approved and rolled-out quickly. The proposed pandemic treaty, which promises “mutual accountability shared responsibility and co-operation” between 24 countries, will make it easy for him.
French President Emmanuel Macron has been criticised for his government’s failure to approve coronavirus vaccines as quickly as the UK. France is being locked down again. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has faced similar criticism.
A global pandemic treaty would solve that problem. A new vaccine wouldn’t need to be assessed for safety and efficacy by regulators in 24 countries. It would only need to pass one inspection.
There will be alignment on travel and vaccine passports too. The world leaders, in today’s article said;
It (the treaty) would also include recognition of a “One Health” approach that connects the health of humans, animals and our planet. And such a treaty should lead to more mutual accountability and shared responsibility, transparency and co-operation within the international system and with its rules and norms.
Over time, the treaty will inevitably be amended to deal with Climate Change. It will be repeated more frequently, that global warming has an impact on health, and therefore, regulatory alignment to deal with it will be necessary.
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