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These Are All The Fake Accounts On Telegram


Do you follow us on Telegram?

Find me here:

Yes, that’s actually me.

My verified page.

But you know who’s NOT on Telegram?

Gen. McInerney, Gen. Flynn, President Trump, Mike Pompeo, and so many more…..

It’s a huge pet peeve of mine seeing all the fake Telegram channels pretending to be a famous person to get a following.

So I was so pleased to see this list from MelQ reposted by my friend Daniel.

Folks, please read and save this article….these people are NOT on Telegram:

Here’s a zoom in to read easier:

Please feel free to share this everywhere!

You might even want to print it out and keep it by your desk when you’re using Telegram.

Please do not share posts from these fake accounts, it only helps the scammers!

To be clear, I have no problem with FAN Accounts.

That’s what my site is after all!

My very name “We Love Trump” is a recognition that this is a community of great Americans who love President Trump!

I clearly don’t try to pretend to BE President Trump.

And that is the difference.

Thanks for your help in rooting out these scammers from Telegram.

Here’s another hint, the scammers usually only have one name, not a first and last name on their profile.  Or they’ll repeat the same first name twice.


Because they are creating thousands of these fake accounts every day and it actually takes a lot of work to think up that many fake first and last names.


So that’s a dead giveaway, if you see a first name only Telegram person promoting a channel in the name of someone on the list above and saying you have to LIKE + SHARE and FOLLOW the channel, those are all dead giveaways it’s a scammer.

Just right click and then “Report as Spam”.



I’ll see you on my REAL Telegram channel here:

And on my SuperChat here:


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