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Have The Navy Seals Arrested Hillary Clinton?


Ok, so many people have been emailing me about this that I finally have to cover it.

Have the Navy Seals arrested Hillary Clinton just this week?

The rumors started flying on Twitter:

It appears that the story originated from a site called RealRawNews:

Here’s what RealRawNews reported:

US Navy SEALS loyal to Donald Trump raided Hillary Clinton’s Chappaqua, NY estate and arrested her on charges of treason, destruction of government property, and aiding and abetting the enemy, Real Raw News has learned.

The arrest happened on Tuesday night, according to a source in Trump’s orbit, only hours after Trump had spoken to Rear Admiral Hugh W. Howard at US Special Operations Command and given him a “mammoth trove” of evidence of Clinton’s criminality dating back to her days at the State Department. The evidence allegedly includes thousands of never-before-seen emails, which Clinton acid washed prior to the 2016 presidential election, as well as documents implicating her in plots to assassinate Republican legislators across the country.

The evidence was so compelling, our source added, that Adm. Howard had trouble believing that Clinton wasn’t arrested years ago.

“Trump’s been wanting to get her, and the rest of the Deep State cabal, ever since he set foot in the White House. It has taken him years to dig up the motherload. Once he had military support, he greenlit the operation. Trump’s team, for lack of a better word, had been surveilling Clinton a long time, and he knew she was always alone on Tuesday nights. That’s when the SEALS nabbed her,” our source said.

Under cover of darkness, an eight-man detachment from Naval Special Warfare Group 3 infiltrated the Chappaqua mansion shortly after 2:00am. Mysteriously, Clinton’s two-man Secret Service detail, which normally lives in a guest house on the property, was absent that morning. The SEALS cleared the main building, then silently breached the door to her bedroom, where they found her awake rehearsing a speech before a vanity mirror. They fired a single tranquilizer dart into her neck, our source said, before taping her mouth and sealing a black cloth bag over her head.

The SEALS also seized several laptops and reams of paper, our source said.

“I don’t know where they took her; only Trump knows that. But this is proof that Trump and the military have started taking out the cabal. It took him longer than expected, longer than he wanted, but better late than never. Trump is doing what’s right for America,” our source said.

Trump will soon send her to Guantanamo Bay to face a military tribunal for her crimes against America and its people. GITMO, our source said in closing, is run by the Marine Corps. and the US Navy, both of which have forsaken Joe Biden and instead pledged to help Donald Trump vanquish the forces of darkness that have enshrouded the nation in corruption for decades.

And just now they posted an update:

A shackled Hillary Clinton was removed from a fortified holding cell in south Florida and flown directly to Guantanamo Bay aboard a Marine CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopter, Real Raw News can now report.

The prisoner transfer came only days after Trump and Rear Adm. Hugh W. Howard, commander of Naval Special Warfare Command, greenlit a predawn raid on Clinton’s Chappaqua, NY, estate, resulting in her arrest.

Early Friday morning, a Marine escort brought a bound and gagged Clinton to Rybovich Heliport in West Palm Beach, FL., where the CH-53 sat ready to ferry her to GITMO. The flight lifted off at 4:45 a.m. and landed in Cuba an hour later, according to a Trump source familiar with the incident.

He said Clinton was uncooperative and had to be sedated for the trip.

Asked if Trump personally interrogated her prior to the flight, our source said the following:

“He did not. Trump doesn’t want to be within sight of her. Also, he’s letting the military handle everything. He knows his bias might skew a verdict, and he’s totally confident the evidence is compelling enough to secure a conviction. Whatever scant years Clinton has left will be spent in a dark cell, if she doesn’t face a firing squad.”

Clinton is currently housed in a private cell at GITMO’s Camp Delta and has been assigned the title “detainee 53,” and stripped of American citizenship. Our source was unable to confirm whether 53 referred to the current number of Deep State occupants, or if it was just a random number assignment.

Guarded by U.S. Army military police and U.S. Navy Masters-at-Arms, Clinton’s privileges and amenities while awaiting a military tribunal will depend on her degree of cooperation. If she behaves, she will get 3 meals a day and be allowed to shower 4 times a week. She will also have access to a recreation yard. If, however, she is disobedient, her privileges will be revoked, and she will be thrown into solitary confinement until her tribunal date.

The military tribunal, our source said, has been tentatively scheduled for April 8, as Trump’s people are still deciding which military authorities will prosecute the case and decide on a proper sentence.

Not only have they posted these two stories, but they also say that so far Mike Pence has “eluded capture” with the military in hot pursit.

Take a look:

Oh my, what a story!

Now for the million dollar question… it true?

Well, I will say a few things.

First, the site is NOT covered in ads.

In fact, I don’t see a single ad on the site.

So it’s not as if they’re trying to get a bunch of traffic to their ad farm.

So that’s interesting.

I will also say this….,

My friend Bo Polny told me on his last interview on my show to watch March 6 as something BIG would be happening.


That would certainly fit the bill of something “big”, right?

In addition to Bo Polny, another person I do respect is Kat Kerr, and Kat recently said that major arrests were taking place this week and were being done as quietly as possible.  Full story here.

So those are two things that pique my interest for sure!

But have I seen any evidence outside of RealRawNews to support this story?

The answer is no.

And I do not run with reporting stories that I cannot verify and source by two well established sources.

Also, I see that one person really pushing the story is Simon Parkes and most of you know how I feel about that scam artist:

And stand down Simon Parkes army, don’t flood the comment section with all your hissy fits.

Every time I say anything bad about Simon Parkes the Parkes Nation rises up and comes to his defense.

Why you people have such adoration for a guy who claims his mother had sex with an alien to conceive him and who says he’s a self-professed member of the “Illuminati” is beyond me.

That’s your guy?

Well, it’s not my guy.

I do NOT follow or respect anything that Simon Parkes says.

Deal with it.

So the fact that he’s promoting the story is nearly all I need to know to think it’s fake.

But I guess we will see!

Oh, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention those intrepid fact-checkers over at Snopes.

They have already determined the story is 100% fake, take a look:

Citing only the unnamed source, the post alleged eight members of a “Naval Special Warfare Group” broke into Clinton’s home, found her rehearsing a speech in a mirror, and used a tranquilizer dart to sedate her. “[Trump’s team] had been surveilling Clinton a long time, and he knew she was always alone on Tuesday nights. That’s when the SEALS nabbed her,” our source supposedly said.

The post appeared to be fan fiction inspired by some Trump supporters’ long-stemming petitions for Clinton’s prosecution.

First, at the time of the alleged arrest, Trump did not have authority to direct any federal department or branches of the country’s armed forces, including the SEALs, because his successor President Joe Biden had taken the presidential oath of office roughly one month prior. That inauguration stripped Trump of his abilities to help coordinate military operations as the country’s commander in chief.

Next, no evidence supported any of the post’s claims regarding Clinton’s purported detainment.

Hypothetically speaking, if the undercover operation had indeed taken place, it is unlikely that “Real Raw News” would be the first to report the significant development in the news media. Even if it was the first, more established news organizations, including Fox News, BBC, The Associated Press, and Al Jazeera, would at least mention, if not significantly highlight, the news with one or more stories on their websites or broadcast programs.

Additionally, the official Twitter accounts for Clinton and her political allies remained active, as this writing, with no indication that she had been arrested. Nothing on websites outlining her political agenda mentioned the alleged detainment. If the post’s claims had been true, Clinton’s circle of high-profile Democratic supporters would no doubt issue statements or hold news conferences in response to her arrest.

In sum, no, Clinton was not arrested by Navy SEALs in March 2021 for any reason, including treason.

So now I’m conflicted.

If Simon Parkes is pushing it, I’m saying it’s Fake.

But now that Snopes is trying to discredit it, I’m thinking it could very well be true!

I also think the bold part is pretty hilarious…..Snopes says if the story is true, that the MSM would “at least mention or significantly highlight it”.


You know what?  They’re probably right about that.

If Donald Trump got arrested, it would be wall-to-wall, 24/7 news coverage from now until the end of time.

In fact, 24/7 wouldn’t be enough.  They’d probably add an hour to each day just to make it 25/7.

But if Hillary truly were arrested, I think that line in bold is probably more true than you can imagine.

SIGN THE PETITION: We Need National Voter ID!

They would probably “mention it” and then move on.

Even someone like Snopes speaks the truth from time to time I guess!

Let me know in the comments below what you think about the story…..

By the way….I’m giving away a free 1 oz 99.99% pure silver Trump coin, do you want one?

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