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Governor Abbott Declares Texas is 100% Open, No Masks!


Texas Governor Greg Abbott made headlines today by announcing the Lonestar State is fully reopened.

No business restrictions.

No face diaper mandates.

100% reopened.

The largest state in the country to declare itself free of statewide COVID-19 restrictions.

You’re right Governor Abbott.

But no thanks to you.

This should have happened nearly a year ago.

Countless businesses destroyed.

Millions of people plunged into poverty and despair.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a step in the right direction ending the tyrannical restrictions.

But I’m not going to celebrate a tyrant finally deciding to release his stranglehold on his constituents.

We’ve known for months that the lockdowns and face diapers DON’T WORK.

And the largest red state is just now fully reopen.

Give me a break.

Never again should we the people let these authoritarians do this.

Yet, the left continues to fearmonger about COVID-19 and condemned the decision to grant Texans their rights to run their businesses and breathe fresh air.

Nobody asked for your worthless opinion Overlord of Commiefornia!

Keep your nose in those fancy dinners while enslaving your own state.

Responses from other COVID-19 fearmongers:

It does make sense.

It’s called letting people make their own decisions.

And determine what risks they’re willing to take.

If leftists want to stay at home wrapped in the fetal position with two masks and a shield while waiting for an experimental vaccine, that’s on them.

Some of us have lives to get back too.

Mississippi was another part of the country deciding enough is enough.

Hopefully, any red state that has remaining restrictions follows the lead.

You know blue states will carry out these draconian measures as long as possible.

Fox News reported on the story:

Texas’s Republican Gov. Greg Abbott on Tuesday said he planned to open the state next week “100%,” roughly a year after the coronavirus pandemic broke out throughout the U.S.

Abbott issued an executive order that rescinds many of the state’s previous orders, allowing all businesses in the state to fully reopen and revoking the statewide mask mandate as of next Wednesday.

“To be clear, COVID has not, like, suddenly disappeared,” Abbott cautioned during a press conference at a restaurant in Lubbock, Texas on Tuesday. “COVID still exists in Texas, the United States and across the globe, but it is clear from the recoveries, the vaccinations, from the reduced hospitalizations and from the safe practices Texans are using that state mandates are no longer needed.”

Abbott pointed to a number of positive statistics as he detailed the state’s reopening plans, including a reduction in active COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, and the lowest positivity rate the state has seen in months.

He also noted that the vaccine is a big contributing factor to the state’s ability to safely reopen, saying that health experts expect 7 million shots to have been distributed in the state by next Wednesday.

“Within a few months,” Abbott said, it is expected that anyone who wants to receive a shot will be able to do so.

Businesses are able to limit capacity or implement additional safety protocols if they choose to do so.

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Abbott also said Texans should continue following the appropriate health guidance.

The executive order allows a county judge to implement COVID-19 mitigation strategies if hospitalizations rise above 15% of the hospital bed capacity in any region for 7 consecutive days.

However, no one is allowed to be jailed for not following county orders, Abbott said, nor can be penalties be imposed for failure to wear a face mask.

Governor Abbott, take this advice:

Stay out of the way and let Texans make their own decisions.

We have enough tyrants to deal with already.


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