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Calling For Your Help! My Website Is Being Stolen….


Hi friends,

Noah here with a personal plea for help from Trump Nation.

Specifically, from anyone who enjoys reading what I publish here at

I’ve recently discovered a website that is a complete stolen copy of my own.

I guess they say that imitation is the highest form of flattery, but stealing everything outright is the quickest way to land your ass in court for a copyright lawsuit.

I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that, so I’m asking for your help.

Here’s the story….

A really tacky website called “” (Sounds very reputable doesn’t it?  I know I like to get my “newz” from places that spell it with a “z”….) is stealing my website and every article on it.

They’re stealing everything I publish, verbatim.

The headlines, the body of the article, the images.


In other words, what they’re doing is highly illegal.

And yet, here’s the really troubling part.

We’ve notified some of the companies they’re working with and so far none has decided to take action.

That’s right.

So far, they’re all perfectly complacent helping this company steal my hard work….and profit from it.

Really disappointing.

I’ll tell you how you can help in just a minute, but first I want to document for you exactly what is going on so you can see it.

You know how when you’re a kid and some other super annoying kid starts copying everything you say?

Let’s call the annoying kid Joe.

So Joe starts mimicking everything you say, and what’s the only way to get them to stop?

Either you stop talking or you make them say something bad about themselves.

You know, like “Joe is a moron.”

Or….”Joe is a cheater.”

Or………”Joe stole this article from”

And that’s exactly what we did.

We programmed a poison pill into our website to post a message on the cheater site if they stole that article from us.

And guess what?

It worked.

I have no doubt they will delete the article or change the image once they notice it, but I made a video.

And guess what cheaters…..the Internet and video are written in ink.

You can delete your stolen work all you want, but I have the proof.

I actually have dozens of these, I’ve been documenting this for about a month now.

But I’ll just post the one.

From Rumble, here is the cheater site and the poison pill we programmed into their site via their theft…’s a real thing of beauty:

Don’t ya just love it?

Here’s the thing about cheaters….they’re usually lazy and they’re also usually not so bright.

They have to cheat because they can’t do anything real or authentic themselves that’s worth a damn.

So they lie, cheat and steal.

But my whole life I’ve always beat cheaters….because I’m smarter than them and I’m tougher than them.

One more thing to show you and then I’ll tell you how YOU can help.

Just so you don’t think it was only one article, here is just a small sampling of the stolen articles from the last couple weeks:

My original articles:

Stolen articles:

Hundreds more exist.

They don’t just copy one article, they copy ALL of them.

I guess I should be honored…?


Ok, so here’s how you can help!  

I don’t really expect much from cheaters, I mean they are cheaters after all.

If your entire business model is built around stealing from people who are actually doing real work, I don’t expect you’re suddenly going to change your ways.

But what I’m really disappointed in are the companies HELPING them steal my articles.

First, is their Ad Network, a company called MGID.

See all the really tacky ads all over their site?

Those are published by MGID, and MGID takes a big chunk of all the revenue earned.

Key point: all the revenue earned from MY articles.

I have notified MGID several times and they refuse to ban the cheater from their platform.

That my friends is called complicity.

And my attorneys have advised me it makes MGID liable for the theft, just like the cheaters.

So let’s flood them with messages, shall we?

Here’s how you can help….

If you wouldn’t mind, please send an email to with Subject Line: “Attention Legal Department”.

Feel free to write whatever you want, or you can use this:

“I have discovered that has been stealing every article posted on  I do not approve of this illegal behavior.  I see they are monetizing the stolen articles using your platform.  Please immediately stop profiting, and helping them to profit, from stolen articles.  Thank you.”

And if you’re still on Twitter, please post this article and tag them in it using @MGID.

Let’s see if that gets their attention.

Same for their hosting company, BlueHost.

Please send BlueHost an email at with Subject Line: “Attention Legal Department”.

Feel free to write whatever you want, or you can use this:

“I have discovered that has been stealing every article posted on  I do not approve of this illegal behavior.  I see they are using BlueHost to host this stolen content.  Please immediately stop helping them to host and profit from stolen articles.  Thank you.”

And if you’re on Twitter, please post this article and tag both @bluehost and @bluehostsupport in your Tweet.

Lastly, please send their domain registrar an email at with the Subject Line:  “Attention Legal Department”.

Feel free to write whatever you want, or you can use this:

“I have discovered that has been stealing every article posted on  I do not approve of this illegal behavior.  They are using your services as domain registrar for their website.  I thought you would like to know so you were not associated with such illegal activity.”

And if you’re on Twitter, please post this article and tag @namecheap in your Tweet.

A big THANK YOU to everyone who pitches in and helps me send out these notices.

If these companies get enough emails and Tweets, I hope they will come to their senses and stop helping the cheaters profit from my stolen articles.

Thank you,



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