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MORE EVIDENCE: 6% Discrepancy Between Voting Machines v. Hand Recounts for 4 GOP Candidates


No… this isn’t conspiracy theory or rumor.

This is now verified fact.

In Windham, New Hampshire, 4 GOP candidates have officially been declared winners.

But if it weren’t for the hand-recount and audit, then we would have never found out the truth.

For each of the 4 candidates from Windham, New Hampshire, the hand-recounts delivered 6% *more* votes to the GOP candidates.

This appears to suggest that the voting machines SHORTED each of the candidates by 6 percent.

To make matters even worse, it turns out that 85% of the state uses the same machines.

This has been confirmed by the state’s attorney general.

According to local WMUR 9 News:

A ballot discrepancy is being reviewed in the town of Windham after a hand recount that was conducted following the November election showed a significant change in the numbers.

After a tight race for state representative in Windham’s general election, the hand recount was conducted by the Secretary of State’s Office.

“I was short by 24 votes, which was a tough loss,” said Democratic candidate Kristi St. Laurent. “I’ve run a number of times.”

The recount found approximately 300 additional votes for each of the winning candidates, while St. Laurent, who requested the recount, lost 99 votes.

“Because the discrepancy was so great — it’s around a 6% discrepancy in vote totals — they asked the Attorney General’s Office to investigate,” St. Laurent said.

According to the town, attorneys have requested information about the ballot machines and how the elections are handled. In a letter to the town, officials with the Attorney General’s Office said they will work with local election officials to implement or refine their protocols and procedures.

In the meantime, St. Laurent is pushing to have the ballots looked at again. But the Attorney General’s Office said the law prohibits more than one recount.

“I think we should be able to count them,” she said. “Now they’re just evidence. They are a paper trail for us to go back and figure out where the mistake happened and just make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

The voting-counting machine company will be at a selectmen meeting on Feb. 22.

“They have indicated that they are willing to do whatever because they want to have their name cleared,” St. Laurent said.

Windham Town Clerk Nicole Bottai released a statement that said, in part: “The town takes this alleged discrepancy extremely seriously, and we are cooperating to the full extent… Our main priority is to get to the bottom of this important matter.”

Mistakes happen.

We get it.

But what’s odd is that these mistakes only ever seem to impact Republican candidates, not Democrats.

What are the odds?

The New Hampshire Attorney General is currently conducting the investigation as to what happen.

To be clear, the AG has not accused the voting machines of purposefully removing votes.

However, nothing has been ruled out.

And the optics are certainly not looking good.

According to Patch, investigators are looking into voting devices right now:

State officials and witnesses from both political parties were baffled by the huge discrepancy which has no logical explanation.

New Hampshire law only allows for a single recount of a race so St. Laurent went to the commission to challenge the result. The commission, which is bipartisan, however, upheld the victory for Soti.

St. Laurent, in a letter to the commission, said there were only two explanations for the bizarre variation in the vote counts — “either the machines were programmed to reflect unwarranted adjustments in multiples of 100 to the totals of all Republicans and the top voter receiver among Democrats or a significant number of ballots were double-counted during the (recount) process.” That double counting, however, did not explain, to any degree, why her count would drop by 99 votes, she said.

The commission voted to have the attorney general’s office look into what happened.

Nicholas Chong Yen, an assistant attorney general who heads up the election unit, began doing that earlier this month.

In a five-page memo to the town, Yen said there had been many concerns raised by voters after the election about voting machines and whether or not voters’ votes were counted properly.

In New Hampshire, he noted, the AccuVote optical scanners used in all communities that have voting machines are an “older technology” and each moderator uses the device’s results tape, at the end of the night, to reveal the results, on a paper “Return of Votes” form. AccuVote devices have been used for more than a quarter of a century in the state and are the only devices approved by the Ballot Law Commission.

“The device was originally manufactured by Unisys, then by Global Elections Systems Inc., which are no longer in business,” Yen said. “The device used in New Hampshire is no longer being manufactured. Dominion (Voting Systems) owns the intellectual property of the AccuVote and its related election management system but does not manufacture the device.”

The device memory cards are programmed in advance of the election and local officials are required to test each device, he said, using marked test ballots. Local officials can use the device at an election only if the test shows that the device is programmed properly and accurately counts the test ballots which are separately hand-counted as confirmation of each device’s results.

The state had 16 hand recounts in 2020 and decades of other recount results that confirm the accuracy and reliability of the ballot counting devices used in November, he said.

And then, there is what happened with the Windham recount for the Rockingham County District 7 seats.

After the recount, the town of Windham requested an opportunity to recount the votes, using the devices, if necessary, or a hand recount, but that is not allowed by law. At the same time, Yen said, the attorney general has “no statutory authority” to conduct “an audit of the ballot counting devices where there is no basis to suspect an election law violation.” State law does not use the term “audit” in the context of a post-election procedure, he said. The state also cannot authorize a recount by Windham and neither does the Ballot Law Commission, Yen added.

However, he said, the attorney general does have the authority to uphold election laws, provide training, review how ballots are counted and results reported, and ensure the process was in compliance with state law.

To that end, Yen requested several items including a walkthrough on how the town managed ballot counting devices, bags, and memory cards, as well as who was involved in testing the devices as well as the training involved. He also requested to know who supervised the devices, how often processed ballots were emptied, and if there were hand counts done during the evening. Yen also requested the town’s “long report,” a copy of the result tape for all the machines, as well as information about whether ballot diverters on the machines were functioning properly.

Ballot diverters are used to separate ballots with write-in votes so that those write-in votes can be counted, by hand, at the end of the night, without having to go through all the ballots and separate them, which could take hours, depending on the turnout.

Yen also asked for information about the people involved in the processes, who was working the polls, who counted the separated ballots, and how they were tallied. He requested the town preserve the primary and backup memory cards programmed for the election.

“We understand this will require you to work with LHS (the optical scanning machine vendor) to obtain substitute memory cards for programming your Spring 2021 town election,” he wrote.

Yen said the town fulfilled most of the election unit’s requests and called the process a “cooperative effort” to find out “what exactly happened.” He was quick not to use the word “investigation” because the state was “working with the officials, to get to the bottom of this, and find answers.” It is more of an overview of protocols, a walkthrough of procedures, and if necessary, a view of the scanning devices and software, too, he said.

“We’re not ruling anything out,” Yen said. “We’re taking a holistic approach (while) not applying a label to what we are doing.”

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The American people need to have trust in the electoral process.

Getting to the bottom of what happened will help restore that trust!

People need to know that their votes count — and that their votes count equally.

We hope that when the investigative team in New Hampshire finds out what happens, they let the public know!

And we must ensure that this sort of mess up never happens again!

6 percent is a lot!


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