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Trump’s Impeachment Attorney Says “One Of The First People Arrested Was A Leader Of Antifa”


Trump’s attorney Michael T. van der Veen reminded everyone by stating keys facts on what went down on January 6th.

During the impeachment hearing, Trump’s attorney was quoted saying “One of the first people arrested was a leader of Antifa”.

Take a look at Trump’ lawyer laying out the facts:

I’m sure Dems just “accidentally” forgot to add these details just like they claim all their lies are “accidents”.

Jim Hoft over st the GatewayPundit broke the story and released these details:

Trump impeachment attorney Michael T. van der Veen dropped a bomb on Democrats Friday during their sham political impeachment.

Van der Veen reminded the American public, “One of the first people arrested was a leader of Antifa.”

Antifa-Insurgence leader John Earl Sullivan was arrested in Utah after the US Capitol riots. As reported previously Antifa protester John Sullivan was caught on video posing as a Trump supporter during the rioting at the US Capitol on January 6th.

The Independent covered the story too:

Donald Trump’s lawyers sparked anger when they claimed that an Antifa leader was the first person arrested and released at the Capitol riot.

Instead, they claimed that the attack in Washington DC could be blamed on extremists, including “a leader of Antifa.”

“Tragically, as we know now, on 6 January a small group who came to engage in violent and menacing behavior hijacked the event for their own purposes,” said Michael T van Der Veen on Friday.

“According to publicly available reporting, it is apparent that extremists of various different stripes and political persuasions preplanned and premeditated an attack on the Capitol.

“One of the first people arrested was a leader of Antifa.”


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