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James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas PERMANENTLY Banned from Twitter


Censorship didn’t end with President Trump.

He was just the beginning.

Now that Big Tech has gotten away with censoring the most powerful man in the world, they know that they can censor anyone.

The next victim?

Project Veritas.

For those of you who aren’t familiar, Project Veritas is holds the media, corporations, and the government accountable.

Whistleblowers come to Project Veritas to tell the truth of what’s happening behind the scenes.

They bring unedited video and audio recordings.

When Project Veritas verifies the authenticity of the material, they then make the whistleblower’s claims public.

Project Veritas, founded by James O’Keefe, is critical to maintain a free, transparent, and fair media.

But now…

Twitter has BANNED Project Veritas from its platform.

For life.

More details below:

The account was banned after sharing an insider video taken from within Facebook headquarters.

Why should Twitter care about what’s going on at Facebook?

Are they colluding?

Also, this isn’t fake news… this is real news coming from a whistleblower.

So… why ban Project Veritas?

Unless you are trying to censor something and have something to hide.

The Federalist reports that Twitter targeted James O’Keefe and Project Veritas for daring to go after Facebook:

Twitter restricted journalist James O’Keefe’s Twitter account, as well as that of his founding organization Project Veritas on Thursday morning, citing violation of “rules against posting private information.”

This decision by Twitter comes after Project Veritas’s reporting on Facebook Vice President Guy Rosen saying the Big Tech platform intentionally “freezes,” via algorithms, comments where hate speech “may be.”

Project Veritas captured Rosen saying the following during a leaked internal Facebook call meeting. The clips were released Wednesday.

“We have a system that is able to freeze commenting on threads in cases where our systems are detecting that there may be a thread that has hate speech or violence. … These are all things we’ve built over the past three-four years as part of our investments into the integrity space, our efforts to protect the election.”

The moves by Big Tech to silence opinions and voices they don’t like are running rampant. In an announcement on Feb. 8, Facebook claimed it is “expanding our efforts to remove false claims on Facebook and Instagram about COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines and vaccines in general during the pandemic.”

“We will begin enforcing this policy immediately, with a particular focus on Pages, groups and accounts that violate these rules, and we’ll continue to expand our enforcement over the coming weeks,” Facebook said. “Groups, Pages and accounts on Facebook and Instagram that repeatedly share these debunked claims may be removed altogether.”

On Jan. 8, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said in a leaked call by Project Veritas that his company would be ramping up censorship.

“We know we are focused on one account right now,” referring to the banning of then-President Donald Trump, “but this is going to be much bigger than just one account, and it’s going to go on for much longer than just this day, this week, the next few weeks, going on beyond inauguration,” Dorsey said. “We have to expect that. We have to be ready for that.”

This strongly suggests that Twitter and Facebook are working TOGETHER behind the scenes to censor and silence conservatives.

Could YouTube (Google) also be working with them?

We wouldn’t be surprised!

The latest expose on Facebook involved one of the highest profile stings yet…

It involved Facebook’s Vice President.

Is O’Keefe getting too close to the major power players?

Is that why they’re trying to take him out now?

The Wrap reports:

The Twitter accounts for Project Veritas and founder James O’Keefe were both locked on Thursday, after the guerrilla news outlet posted a video confronting a Facebook vice president outside their home. Twitter, in a message to Private Veritas that was later shared with TheWrap, said its account was locked for sharing private information.

On February 10, Project Veritas tweeted a video of reporter Christian Hartsock approaching Facebook VP Guy Rosen outside his home. Rosen, who appeared to be returning from a jog, didn’t respond to Hartsock asking him about a recent video where Rosen said Facebook can “freeze” comments on posts that may contain “hate speech or violence.” (You can view the video here.)

“How do you define hate speech?” Hartsock asked Rosen as he walked inside. “Is it just speech that you hate?”

Later, at about 2:00 a.m. ET on Thursday, Twitter contacted Project Veritas by email and said its account was locked for violating the company’s rules against posting private information.

“You may not publish or post other people’s private information without their express authorization and permission,” the email explained.

In the video, the numbers on Rosen’s home address are visible, but the street name is not.

Both the Project Veritas account as well as O’Keefe’s account have not sent tweets since midday Wednesday.

Twitter did not respond to requests for comment on why the accounts were locked or how long they would be locked for. Previously, locked accounts have had to delete tweets Twitter has flagged before the company will allow them to use the service again. O’Keefe, in a phone interview with TheWrap, said he’s “wrestling” with the decision to delete the tweets in order to get the accounts running again.

This Big Tech censorship must come to an end!

We hope that President Trump considers forming a new social media platform.

We don’t know about you… but we would join, if he did!


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