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Sen. Mike Shirkey: “The Capitol Insurrection Was a Hoax!”


I can hear liberal heads exploding all around the great United States as I type that headline!

Hang in there libs, stay with me!

Hey, you might even learn something!

An absolute meltdown occurred today in Lib-Land when Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey said the Capitol “insurrection” was a hoax.

MichiganLive, the local fish-wrap, had this to say about the story:

The top Republican in the Michigan Senate referred to the violent Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C., as a “hoax” in a meeting with county party leaders, a video recording of the interaction shows.

In a video shot at Spangler’s Family Restaurant in Jonesville, Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, R-Clarklake, falsely claimed supporters of President Donald Trump were not at fault in the storming of the U.S. Capitol building.

☝️ (editorial note from WeLoveTrump: what kind of journalism is this?  “Falsely claimed”?  That’s stated as a fact?  Really?  What journalism school did the hack who wrote this article go to?  Under what legal standard has it been proven as a fact that President Trump was “at fault” for quote “storming the Capitol”?  This is pure and unadulterated bias masquerading as news and they should be ashamed for printing it!)

“That’s been a hoax from day one,” Shirkey said, later adding that what occurred was “all staged” and implied Sen. Mitch McConnell and other leaders “wanted to have a mess.”

The recording lasts for more than an hour and shows Shirkey arguing with members of the Hillsdale County Republican Party about his pending censure from the party in between ordering food and drinks. He frequently used expletives and discussed a wide range of issues with the group, ranging from the election results to his support of banning open carry in the Michigan Capitol building.

Elsewhere in the conversation, Shirkey remarked that he contemplated inviting Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “to a fistfight on the Capitol lawn” and “spanked” her on a number of issues.

“We’ve spanked her hard on the budget, spanked her hard on appointments,” he said.

The recording was filmed by Hillsdale County Republican Party Secretary Jon Smith, who confirmed to an MLive reporter that he recorded the video.

Hillsdale County Republican Party Chair Daren Wiseley declined to comment on whether he agreed with Shirkey’s position that what transpired in Washington was a hoax, but said he was surprised by his remarks.

“I was surprised Shirkey openly said it was a hoax,” Wiseley said. “That doesn’t really seem like a position he’d hold.”

In a statement issued Tuesday evening by Shirkey’s office, he is quoted apologizing for the comments, noting he has “many flaws,” including “being passionate coupled with an occasional lapse in restraint of tongue.”

“I said some things in a videoed conversation that are not fitting for the role I am privileged to serve,” the statement reads. “I regret the words I chose, and I apologize for my insensitive comments.”

House Democratic Leader Donna Laskinsi, D-Scio Township, said the comments raised questions about Shirkey’s fitness to lead.

“We would expect such comments from a leader of a QAnon chat group or local militia chapter – not the Majority Leader of the Michigan Senate,” she said in a statement. “Claiming the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol was a ‘hoax’ is a slap in the face to the law enforcement there that day and to the people who died and were injured.”

The executive board of the Hillsdale County Republican Party voted 14 to 5 on the censure vote on Thursday, Feb. 4. They said Shirkey, whose district includes Jackson, Hillsdale and Branch counties, wasn’t doing enough to push back against Whitmer’s coronavirus-related measures that shut down businesses and was not doing enough to support conservative values like Second Amendment rights.

A censure vote is an expression of formal disapproval in a lawmaker. It’s a largely symbolic gesture coming from a county known for its conservatism and nearby Hillsdale College.

During the recorded meeting with members of the county party, Shirkey told the group, “I don’t give a s***,” about the censure and pushed back on some of the critiques of his record.

He told the Hillsdale Republican officials that if they continue with an “extremist” strategy, rural supporters of the party will suffer in future elections.

“If we don’t make a change, our vote will not count in 15 years,” he said

You can watch the video of it here:

Now let’s advance the story.

After an apology, he was caught on mic explaining that he apologizes for some words used but not for the idea that the “insurrection” was not President Trump’s fault.

He goes on to state that evidence is mounting that this insurrection was planned WEEKS in advance of anything President Trump did or said.

Very interesting!

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Listen to it right here:

Of course the media will never report that, so we will.

I support Sen. Shirkey 100%, he’s right about this!

We need more people who have the courage and strength to stand up and speak the truth in the face of censorship and attacks from all angles.

Much respect Sen. Shirkey!


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