According to VAEARS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), there are nearly 10,000 adverse events linked to the Pfizer & Moderna vaccines.
There were also 273 deaths, most of them occurring within 48 hours.
The report was as of January 22nd.
The actual number of vaccine-related deaths & adverse events is likely far greater by today’s date (February 1st).
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Not to mention that VAEARS is only able to track around 1% of vaccine injuries.
And roughly 25 million Americans have received doses of the COVID vaccine thus far.
At least 273 deaths, 9,845 adverse events in the US after COVID vaccination so far: CDC data – February 1, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – At least 273 people have died after being vaccinated for COVID-19 as of January 22, according to U.S. government…
— Jesus Pilled (@Jesuspilled) February 1, 2021
Sadly, stories like these have been piling up:
39-year-old nurse aide dies ‘within 48 hours’ of receiving mandated COVID-19 shot
‘She was coming home from work and as soon as she drove into her parking lot she passed away,’ Janet L. Moore’s brother Jacob Gregory told LifeSiteNews.
— Infinite Unknown (@SecretNews) February 1, 2021
Placer County Sheriff’s office said that agencies are “actively investigating this case.” As of Jan 15, 181 deaths have been reported to the U.S.government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System as possibly being related to COVID vaccines. #TheDefender
— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) January 25, 2021
“… a “medical certainty” that Pfizer’s vaccine caused the death of 56-yr-old Dr. Gregory Michael…
More than 40 deaths … led China health officials to call for a pause on Pfizer and Moderna vaccines…
As of Jan. 15, 181 deaths have been reported…”— James Bester (@JamesBester4) January 27, 2021
2/ If anyone can explain to me why pregnant women are being encouraged to get this vaccine WHEN THEY WERE EXCLUDED FROM THE TRIALS, I'll be very happy. Or at least less unhappy.
— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) January 26, 2021
Yet, our Orwellian Media want you to pay zero attention to the concerning VAERS reports:
1/ The media keeps saying not to worry about the VAERS reports – you vaccinate old people, some die later, too bad. (Which is the opposite of what they say about #Covid – and doesn’t explain why flu vaccines, given to huge numbers of the elderly, don’t cause similar reports)…
— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) January 30, 2021
And if anyone noticed, the page was bombarded with requests and crashed last week:
The VAERS query page – the primary way to access federal data on #Covid and other vaccine side effects – has now been offline for 36 hours. This is not okay.
— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) January 26, 2021
So @CDCgov says VAERS went down because it couldn't handle the volume of requests it was getting (this was an email to an academic who asked).
"Starting (Monday) at 7:30 am, the server was overwhelmed by too many incoming queries… We are working to resolve this problem."
— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) January 26, 2021
We know the CDC has cooked the books for COVID cases & deaths.
It wouldn’t be a shocker to see them underreport vaccine injuries & deaths.
LifeSiteNews had more details about the report:
At least 273 people have died after being vaccinated for COVID-19 as of January 22, according to U.S. government data released on Friday. The deaths were reported to VAERS, the vaccine injury tracking system for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
A total of 9,845 adverse events possibly linked to the COVID-19 vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna have been recorded by VAERS so far, although the actual number of cases is likely far higher.
VAERS, a voluntary surveillance system, picks up only around 1% of vaccine injuries, a 2010 report by Harvard researchers found.
More than 25 million Americans have received doses of either the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna shots, which were authorized for emergency use last month after less than a year in development. The vaccines, which are still technically experimental, do not purport to prevent asymptomatic COVID-19 infections or to last longer than one year. At least one congressman already has tested positive for the virus after getting both doses of the Pfizer shot.
Deaths following COVID-19 vaccination tracked by VAERS, most of which occurred within 48 hours, include those of 177 people who received Pfizer’s jab and 95 who were given the Moderna vaccine. New data will be published by VAERS every Friday.
A twenty-eight-year-old man with no pre-existing conditions or listed medications was “found unresponsive at work” in New Jersey two weeks after getting the Pfizer vaccine in December, one VAERS report relates. He was pronounced dead after being put on cardiac life support.
In Arizona, an 88-year-old woman with arthritis and high blood pressure experienced “[i]nitial pain in back of head and extreme headache” and vomiting after taking the Pfizer shot.
“At emergency, [she] went into [a] coma and was intubated,” her write-up reads, adding that she had a [h]ole drilled in [her] skull to relieve pressure.”
“Lot of bleeding in brain – aneurism lead to death approximately 14 hours after initial symptoms,” the report adds.
An older Florida man with a “clean bill of health” “became sick 3 hours after the vaccine and was found deceased 1 day after his vaccination,” a write-up from early January states. A 45-year-old mother in Georgia died “in the middle of the night” following vaccination with the Moderna jab the day before, another report reads. Nearly identical cases have been reported across the U.S., like those of Miami obstetrician Dr. Gregory Michael and a pro-vaccine healthcare worker in California.
VAERS notes the incidents of four elderly women, most of whom had survived COVID-19, all dying in Kentucky nursing homes on the same day within hours of receiving Pfizer shots from the same lot.
Eight unborn babies, many of them late-term and otherwise healthy, also were miscarried or stillborn soon after their mothers received the Pfizer vaccine, according to VAERS. Pfizer has warned that “pregnancy should be excluded” before vaccination.
VAERS also reports dozens, if not hundreds, of debilitating, non-fatal reactions to the vaccine, including seizures, cardiac arrest, and hemorrhage.
COVID-19 vaccine makers, as well as the FDA, have total immunity from liability related to injuries caused by the vaccines, and there are few legal remedies for victims or their families. The federal program tasked with handling compensation requests from COVID-19 vaccine injuries has denied 90% of claims in the last ten years.
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