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Washington Post Claims Trump Lied 30,573 Times; Will NOT “Fact Check” Joe Biden


And they wonder why we call them “fake news.”

The media has done a terrible job of hiding their bias.

Right when you think it couldn’t get any worse…

It has.

The Washington Post has claimed that President Trump lied 30,573 times in the last four years.

Of course, we’re certain most of those “lies” could be debunked.

But that’s not the main point here.

The main point is the clear DOUBLE STANDARD.

The hypocrisy.

The agenda that they are trying to press forward.

How do we know this?

While the Washington Post tracked lies for Donald Trump, they have ADMITTED that they will NOT create a database fact-checking Biden’s claims.

In other words, they were fact-checking Trump but are giving Biden a free pass.

That’s especially “rich,” considering that Biden has already broken his key “promises” (fracking, Covid, etc.).

Meanwhile, President Trump KEPT his promises.

More details below:

Now here comes the SAD part.

The Washington Post will not be tracking misleading, false, or flat-out DISHONEST claims from Joe Biden.

According to Newsbusters:

Shelby Talcott of the Daily Caller put the Post on the record explaining what we all could expect: there will be no False & Misleading Claims count for President Biden:

Trump’s departure also equals an end to having a false claims project for the current president, as The Post said it does “not have plans to launch a Biden database at this time.” Trump’s database began a month after he became president, The Post’s director of communications Shani George told the Caller.

“The database of Trump claims was started a month after Trump became president as a way to not overwhelm our fact-checking enterprise, where the core mission is to explain complex policy issues,” George said. “While we do not have plans to launch a Biden database at this time, we will continue to dig into the accuracy of statements by political figures of all party affiliations.”

But party affiliation matters: there was no False & Misleading Statements count for Barack Obama, and there wouldn’t have been one if Hillary Clinton won in 2016. Kessler told Jordan Klepper at Comedy Central “In terms of fact checking, Hillary Clinton is like playing chess with a real pro. Fact-checking Donald Trump is like playing checkers [Laughter] with someone that’s not very good at it. It’s pretty boring.” Klepper shot back: “You find Donald Trump boring.” Kessler replied: “Yes! His facts are so easily disproven, there’s no joy in the hunt.”

There is no “hunt” for Democrats. Only admiration for those chess pros!

On January 15, Kessler signaled his new approach in fact-checking Biden’s address on the coronavirus. He boasted that Biden’s team responded to him immediately. That’s because Democrats care about their home-team newspapers, and Biden’s team knew he would be sympathetic.

Kessler warmly accepted Biden’s use of liberal think tanks like the Brookings Institution, the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, and poverty analysts at Columbia University backed by liberal foundations like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. But when Trump used the National Federation of Independent Business for a survey of small business confidence in 2018, Kessler dismissed it as a “conservative group” whose survey didn’t draw enough responses to impress him. “Misleading”!

In a January 16 interview on CNN, Kessler elaborated on how pleased he was with Team Biden:

VICTOR BLACKWELL: Yes. Let me ask you about the president-elect. He made a lot of pretty dramatic claims in his speech on Thursday, Thursday evening. I understand that your team reached out to him and just compare and contrast the reaction and response you got from the incoming administration to what you’ve gotten over the last several years.

GLENN KESSLER: Well, in the case of the Biden-Harris transition team, we asked — we identified five factual statements he made. You know, interesting claims that we wanted to know if they — what was the basis for this. Within 15 minutes, we received citations to those factual statements and they all checked out.

Generally, the Trump White House almost never responded to our queries, because, of course, a lot of what the president said could not be defended or explained in terms of where he got these so- called facts. I assume the Biden — you know, I did five years of Obama, and I assume the Biden presidency will be a lot like the Obama presidency, and that they will be responsive, and will be able to quickly back up what they’re saying. And occasionally, the president will go off- kilter, particularly when he’s, you know, speaking extemporaneously and not following something that previously — has previously been fact-checked.

Does that sound like corruption to you?

Collusion, even?

Why won’t the mainstream media hold Democrats to the same standard that they hold Republicans?!

It’s clear that they have an agenda that they are trying to push!

You’d think that the media would be even harder on Joe Biden…

Especially since Biden has appeared to ATTACK the free press!

Trump was the most transparent figure in our lifetime.

Despite the hatred from the media, Trump remained transparent.

Biden, on the other hand, has tried to HIDE from the media, even though the mainstream media is OVERWHELMINGLY in his corner.

The Daily Wire confirms that Biden’s team DISABLED questions and comments from reporters after getting some “hard” questions:

Democrat Joe Biden’s White House transition team has reportedly disabled the chat function on their Zoom virtual press conferences after invited journalists began complaining about the group’s lack of transparency.

As The Daily Wire reported last week, reporters were becoming “frustrated” with the Biden team — and Joe Biden himself — because the team appeared to have a slate of favored journalists who were always called up on to ask questions during the team’s virtual press conferences.

The “New York Times, CNN, Washington Post, PBS and Politico” were given the opportunity to ask questions of the team at nearly every press conference, while even mainstream media outlets like The Associated Press were shut out.

“Hey guys, there tons of folks looking to ask questions and since this is being done once a week, could we PLEASE go longer or at least hold more frequent briefings,” a reporter from The Daily Beast said in the chat of a Zoom press conference held last week.

“Any chance you can take a few more questions? There are a lot of folks here with questions,” Zeke Miller from The Associated Press added.

“Is there a point in saying we want to ask questions if you only call on the same small group every week?” another asked.

The system had a direct impact: Biden’s team rarely had to answer an unexpected question, particularly about touchy subjects, like an ongoing Department of Justice investigation into his son Hunter’s finances and foreign dealings. Biden has yet to answer questions on Hunter’s issues in any substantive way, and even then when questioned by late-night television hosts, not network reporters.

His team has a typical statement response to the question: “President-elect Biden is deeply proud of his son, who has fought through difficult challenges, including the vicious personal attacks of recent months, only to emerge stronger.”

After reporters complained in public about the situation, though, the Biden team didn’t take more questions, they simply shut down the chat, according to at least one reporter who was on the most recent virtual press conference Zoom.

“The Biden transition team appears to have disabled the public chat function on its transition zoom calls, a place where I and others had been routinely complaining to them to take more questions,” incoming Politico editor Sam Stein said on Twitter, per Fox News.

Biden’s team did not comment on the situation according to Fox, but the team did say, last month, that they value “transparency” and believe the press’s job is to hold Biden “accountable” during his tenure.

The reality is that Biden is worse for the press than Trump ever was.

So why won’t the Washington Post have a fact checking database for Biden as well?

Why won’t they keep track of the misleading statements he’s made?

They can start with the lies he told on the campaign trail!


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