This is REALLY interesting….
My friend Daniel posted this today:
And here’s a zoom in so you can read that better:
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I didn’t know much about it and I don’t like to publish things unless I can confirm them myself, so I started looking into it and I found it appears to be 100% true!
Now I know we have a lot of military that read WeLoveTrump, and this is only based on the research I can find, so I’d love to hear from some experts to know if you agree or disagree.
But here’s what I’m seeing…
From Wikipedia:
Today, a 21-gun salute is rendered on the arrival and departure of the President of the United States; it is fired in concordance with four ruffles and flourishes, which are immediately followed by “Hail to the Chief”—the actual gun salute begins with the first ruffle and flourish, and ‘run long’ (i.e. the salute concludes after “Hail to the Chief” has ended). A 21-gun salute is also rendered to former U.S. Presidents, foreign Heads of State (or members of a reigning royal family), as well as to Presidents-elect. In such a ceremony, the national anthem of the visiting dignitary’s country is played, following the salute.
A gun salute is not to be confused with the three-volley salute often rendered at military funerals.
Ok, so here is the salute Biden and Harris got:
Backup on Rumble:
That sure does look like THREE cannons to me, not FOUR.
And they are firing in slow, 10-second delay, succession.
That is definitely not four guns firing in rapid succession.
Here’s what people were saying online (and then scroll down to see the Salute Trump got):
So….what should it have looked like?
Well, here is what Trump got in 2017.
It looks a LOT different:
Backup on Rumble:
Of course you immediately notice FOUR cannons, not three.
And they are firing one right after the other, not a slow 10 second delay.
Here is another one for Trump:
So what does all of this mean?
Is it because the Military does not respect Biden?
Does not view him as their rightful president?
Or perhaps signaling the upcoming “funeral” of his so-called presidency?
Or perhaps implying he is not the head of the United States and more closely related to, oh I don’t know….China?
Or….all of the above?
If you have expertise in this area, comment below and let me know if this is accurate.
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