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Clif High Returns! Very Likely Trump Comes Right Back In!


Ok folks, get ready for this one!

Many of you might not know Clif High, but I think you’re going to find him tremendously fascinating like I do.

I’ve been following his reports for several years and they never cease to amaze with their accuracy.

A little background….

Clif is by all accounts a genius, working for Microsoft many years ago and now running his own bots that scrape the internet and aggregate tons of data.

He scrapes all of this data and then aggregates it together to produce reports on what he believes is coming next.

Clif attributes the success of the reports to the fact that all humans have a level of psychic abilities and while they may not even be aware of it, the psychic natures seep out in the words they use.

Clif then aggregates those words and looks for patterns.

The results have been eerily accurate.

I don’t buy into the “psychic” aspect of his theory, but I do think there is something powerful about his data aggregation.

So I tend to listen to what he says.

He hasn’t published any recently, but he did an interview today and it was FASCINATING!

You want to jump to about the 30:00 minute mark in the video below which is when Clif comes on.

From there just listen and take it all in.

Here are the “cliff’s notes” (no pun intended)….

Basically, he sees a major event happening on January 28-29 which will be a type of mob uprising.

As a result of this event, or perhaps just at the same time, he expects massive declassification of many secrets, including but not limited to a huge declass on UFOs.

I know, I know, sounds far out.

I just report.

We can all watch to see what happens.

After that, he expects some sort of situation where the military has power for a time being, (which lines up exactly with what x22 just reported) and after that the power could be handed back to the rightful winner….Donald J. Trump.

I told you, wild stuff!

Just watch here and enjoy (jump to the 30:00 minute mark):


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