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Pipe Bomb Discovered & Detonated at RNC Headquarters, DNC Also Evacuated and Investigated After Delivery of Suspicious Package


A pipe bomb was found in the RNC’s DC Headquarters and Bomb Squad safely detonated the device.

The controlled detonation took place during the storming of the Capitol building.

Authorities also evacuated the DNC’s Headquarters after the delivery of a suspicious package.

Both buildings are located near the Capitol Building in DC.

From Zero Hedge:

The two offices are located just blocks from the capitol, which is currently being overrun by pro-Trump protesters, according to the NYT.

An explosive device was found at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee in Washington and the nearby headquarters of the Democratic National Committee was evacuated after the discovery of a suspicious package on Wednesday, according to three people briefed on the discoveries.

The device that was found at the R.N.C. was a pipe bomb that was successfully destroyed by a bomb squad, according to an official for the R.N.C.

The package at the D.N.C. has yet to be identified, according to a top Democrat briefed on the matter who was not authorized to speak publicly about it.

The R.N.C. and D.N.C. are headquartered just a few blocks away from the U.S. Capitol, which Mr. Trump’s supporters stormed on Wednesday afternoon soon as Congress had gathered to certify President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory and shortly after the president addressed the crowd near the White House.

This appears to be an escalation as the chaos spills out from the Capitol to the rest of the District.

Just the News also covered the story:

An explosive device was found on Wednesday at the headquarters of the Republican National Committee in Washington. The nearby headquarters of the Democratic National Committee was also evacuated following the delivery of a suspicious package.

A pipe bomb was found at the RNC and was successfully destroyed by a bomb squad, according to an official from the RNC. The DNC package has yet to be identified, according to the New York Times.

Both the RNC and DNC buildings are located just a few blocks away from the U.S. Capitol, which was breached on Wednesday by protestors who are opposing the certification of the electoral college slate.

The National Guard for Washington and Virginia have been called in by President Trump in response to the unrest.

Things continue to spiral out of control in our nation’s capital.


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