Have you heard of Gab?
It’s a new social network that may soon replace Facebook!
It works JUST LIKE Facebook, only it’s faster and has zero censorship!
Oh, and the liberals really hate it, so you know it must be good.
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I get about 5-10 emails a day asking me to join, so I finally did and now I understand why you love it.
It’s awesome!
Plus we already have 7.8K people in our Group and we just started!
I’d love to have you join and hang out with us.
You can find us right here and join for free:
Here’s the full link if that helps you better:Â https://gab.com/g/welovetrump
It’s a lot of fun over there and it’s great to hang out with people who are of the same mind.
Real patriots.
People who love America.
And no Zuckerberg telling you what you’re allowed to say!
Imagine that!
And no Ministry of Propaganda errrrrrr I mean “fact checking” of what you post!
Tap here to join and find my Group.
And if Gab isn’t your thing, I’m also on MeWe and Parler.
They are great too.
Tap here to follow my Page on MeWe.
Tap here to join my Group on MeWe.
Tap here to follow me on Parler – @WeLoveTrump.
And one last thing…
You are probably going to want to bookmark my new site, NoahReport.
It’s updated 24/7 throughout the day and keeps you updated on everything that is going on.
It’s quickly becoming a favorite for most patriots and it makes a great homepage on your computer.
Just sayin’.
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