I just came across this article and Tweet thread from Brian Joondeph and it perfectly sums up my thoughts on everything that is going on.
Basically, here’s the question: was President Trump totally caught off guard by the voter fraud?
Had he failed to prepare?
Was he surprised by the level of the cheating?
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How could this have happened?
To ask it another way, as an outsider, President Trump successfully used their own system against them, defeating Hillary Clinton to win the Presidency.
He did this as an outsider with no influence over any of the voting systems.
While the “system” was completely in the hands of the Deep State, he defeated them at their own game, playing on their turf.
So then we are expected to believe that with four years to prepare, and with control of the system now in his hands, that he didn’t adequately anticipate or prepare against the fraud?
One of the most successful masters of war in our modern times was caught off guard?
The man who has studied Sun Tzu’s The Art of War and applied it over his entire career?
The man who then wrote his own book modeled after Tzu’s concepts called The Art of the Deal?
This is the man who was just caught off guard with no battle plan?
I don’t buy it.
And neither does Brian Joondeph, who wrote a brilliant article on the topic that I want to share with you.
Here’s a portion, from The American Thinker:
I’m impatient, as I expect most American Thinker readers are as well. We have been promised a coming storm that will be biblical, or a Kraken released on Deep State conspirators. Despite Attorney General Barr acknowledging spygate as “one of the greatest travesties in American history,” there has not yet been a reckoning.
A mid-level FBI attorney, Kevin Clinesmith, pled guilty to falsifying a document which became one of the lynchpins of a FISA warrant on Carter Page and subsequent spying on Donald Trump and his campaign, but he has yet to be sentenced. His co-conspirators are writing books, teaching at prestigious universities, and bashing President Trump on cable news shows.
A presidential election was stolen, and Trump’s own executive agencies say ho-hum, roll over, and go back to sleep. The same FBI that sent 15 agents to investigate a garage door handle that Bubba Wallace claimed was a noose, can’t seem to find any reason to investigate a host of election irregularities.
Republican members of Congress, who happily rode Trump’s coattails to their elections, are telling him to “accept the results” and “move on,” oblivious to the fact that if they get their wish, their party will become as irrelevant as the Green Party. Media stalwarts that were once “fair and balanced,” have tilted to the left, becoming “unfair and unhinged,” rivaling the standard left-wing cable news gabfests.
Perhaps more is going on than I can see, but what is visible to 75 million Trump supporters, those who have endured ridicule and scorn for supporting their president, is that nothing is happening. This is Trump’s administration and he’s the boss. He hires and fires, just as he did in the real estate development world and on “The Apprentice.”
The buck stops with him. If nothing is happening, then that’s on him. Is he flailing away in a vain attempt to win a second term? After all that he has been through and overcome, not only to get elected in 2016, but also to stay in office for four years, accomplishing more in one term than most presidents do in two, is he about to lose it all to a senile grifter no more qualified to be president of the United States than a manager at a bowling alley?
At one level it sure seems that way. The clock is ticking with important electoral dates breezing by, getting ever closer to the final date of Jan. 20? On the other hand, President Trump may be playing a different game, one not obvious to most observers, certainly not the media or even his supporters.
Sun Tzu was a Chinese military general and strategist, author of a treatise on military strategy known as “The Art of War.” Trump is a fan, as this book which made his short list of “best leadership books.” Trump quoted Sun Tzu in this 2012 tweet, long before Twitter was fact-checking his every utterance and attaching warnings and disclaimers to each tweet.
Can Sun Tzu’s ancient wisdom and strategy explain the current apparent “nothing is happening” perception for those who, like myself, are becoming increasingly impatient over “all hat and no cattle” promises coming from Team Trump? Is Trump following the Sun Tzu battle plan? Look at some of his quotes.
Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.
If Trump has a master plan, it’s safe to assume that few outside his small inner circle know anything about it. An example would be Secretary of Defense Chris Miller speaking to Vice President Mike Pence, thanking him for “his steady hand and leadership” during “some of the [most] complex military operations this country’s ever conducted.”
Why haven’t we heard of such operations? Or were they “dark and impenetrable as night”? And executed, like “a thunderbolt”? This is not faint praise. Pence is not a military guy, but Miller certainly is, a former special forces operator and commander. Miller was close to tears acknowledging Pence’s assistance and leadership. Something is happening.
All warfare is based on deception.
Trump is a master of chaos, with strategic media leaks and disinformation. Is VP Pence a white hat or a black hat? The SecDef says Pence is a white hat. Attorney Lin Wood says Pence is a black hat. What about the rest of Trump’s inner circle – Mark Meadows and Pat Cipollone – friends or foes? Patrick Byrne calls them serpents. Trump hired them and keeps them on. Deception and confusion. Classic Sun Tzu.
In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.
Trump tweets in one direction and signs executive orders in another direction. He complains about the GOP Senate while hundreds of conservative judges are confirmed by the same senate. He creates chaos then uses the opportunity to advance his agenda. Trump distracts the media with tweets and comments and while they are in meltdown mode, he is running circles around them.
Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.
Has Trump gone to war against the Democrats and the left? Did he send in the military to reclaim American cities under siege by Antifa and BLM? Has he declared martial law, as the Twitterverse assured us he would? Or has Trump gamed this out, knowing electoral fraud was coming when he signed the 2018 executive order regarding election interference?
Has Trump already won, now waiting for the optimal time to go to war? The defeated left has been at war with Trump for six years, unsuccessful in their efforts to win? And finally,
The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
As of yet, there has been no storm, no Kraken. Trump has followed the Constitution, making legal arguments up to and including the U.S. Supreme Court. What Vice President Pence does when it is time to again follow the Constitution and certify the Electoral College votes is to be determined.
Will a massive declassification of criminal and seditious activities subdue the Democrats? Will Trump win without a bloody battle? Time will tell.
At this point, it’s a binary choice. Either Trump is in over his head and will be dragged out of office. Or he is executing his plan, on his terms and timing, as he has done since his famous escalator ride at Trump Tower in 2015.
Trump knows the stakes for himself, his family, and America if Kamala Harris and Joe Biden get the keys to the kingdom and promptly hand them over to China. Want to bet against Trump? How has that worked out in the past?
Here is more from Brian in a great Tweet threat on the same topic:
Everybody assuming Trump hasn’t been working furiously behinds the scenes to affect certain outcomes were wrong.
They based their assumption Trump doing nothing & just hoping for the best on the surface of things.
As they were supposed to.
“Trump’s own advisors are lying to him. He has no idea what’s going on. I feel sorry for him.”
They’ll never accept that Trump has been studying information warfare for more than 50 years.
He’s obviously a moron, so it’s impossible he knows what he’s doing.
Spies are used for several chief purposes:
1) To learn the enemies real plans
2) To give the enemy your own fake plans
3) To sow confusion among the enemy
Trump has never been sitting back and just hoping for the best.
The best general wins the battle before it is ever fought.
In fact, I believe he already prepared the ground for the battle long ago and the outcome is not in doubt.
But he will not SHOW you this until the battle begins.
They can’t even know who’s really on his side that has been pretending to fight against him until the battle has started.
Trump will not.
Trump will not fight these corrupt systems openly and transparently.
You’re just going to have to accept that.
This statement by its nature shows why Trump cannot do that. It’s nonsensical.
He is not going to give them the ammunition they need to sabotage his battle preparations.
Trump pulled off an information warfare operation on a leaker, then boasted to the press about it.
Then what he said showed up in the mainstream press as a leak, a real hot scoop.
Been President a week, people briefing him are already leaking to the news media.
He says this right to the news media’s face, but they cannot process it.
It did not compute.
He fed leakers fake news and everybody just shrugged and moved on and learned NOTHING FROM IT.
Would you worry about a President who’s own advisors lie to him& humor him?
Trump & his team – both declared and secret – will be feeding fake leaks to the news media at a fast pace.
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