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Fauci Finally Admits He Lied


Fauci has been inconsistent with his advice on COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic but now he finally admits it.

In a phone interview, Dr. Fauci has admitted that he purposely changed his statements regarding the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the last couple of months.

He was even quoted saying ” the Country wasn’t ready” to hear the full truth.

So, I guess Fauci thought the country was ready to hear a lie instead!

While Fauci is caught lying the left has turned Christmas Eve into “Dr. Anthony S. Fauci Day” as his reward.


The Daily Caller covered the story and released these details:

SIGN THE PETITION: Release The Epstein Client List!

Dr. Anthony Fauci reportedly said in a phone interview that he has been deliberately changing his public statements regarding the COVID-19 pandemic because he didn’t think people were ready to hear his true beliefs, according to the New York Times.

Fauci has been slowly increasing the number of Americans he says need to be vaccinated for the U.S. to reach “herd immunity” in public statements, the New York Times reported Thursday morning. He reportedly told the Times he has done so “partly based on new science, and partly on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks.”

Earlier on in the pandemic, Fauci had said the United States would need 60 to 70 percent of people to be vaccinated in order to reach herd immunity, according to the Times. He cited higher numbers of 75 to 80-plus percent in a CNBC interview last week. That prompted the Times to ask him why he had been “moving the goalposts,” their report says.

The New York Times broke the story:


At what point does a country achieve herd immunity?

In the pandemic’s early days, Dr. Fauci tended to cite the same 60 to 70 percent estimate that most experts did. About a month ago, he began saying “70, 75 percent” in television interviews. And last week, in an interview with CNBC News, he said “75, 80, 85 percent” and “75 to 80-plus percent.”

In a telephone interview the next day, Dr. Fauci acknowledged that he had slowly but deliberately been moving the goal posts. He is doing so, he said, partly based on new science, and partly on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks.

Hard as it may be to hear, he said, he believes that it may take close to 90 percent immunity to bring the virus to a halt — almost as much as is needed to stop a measles outbreak.

Dr. Fauci said that weeks ago, he had hesitated to publicly raise his estimate because many Americans seemed hesitant about vaccines, which they would need to accept almost universally in order for the country to achieve herd immunity.


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