In this shocking interview, Ben Swann talks to ‘Plandemic 2: Indoctornation’ director Mikki Willis about the truth of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
I actually caught this clip a few months ago but wanted to bring it your attention given the heightened Covid hysteria.
Not to mention the mRNA vaccines currently being shipped across the globe.
Now, you’ve probably heard stories about Bill Gates experimenting with vaccines in India & Africa.
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And that the vaccines damaged thousands of lives.
Strangely, it’s near impossible to find reports on the subject.
Go to fact check sites like Politifact or Snopes, and they’ll say false.
But we know how reliable those “fact checkers” are.
This interview will help if you’ve decided to go down that rabbit hole:
Please watch:
Literal experiments on children and this man’s wickedness is continuously suppressed by the mainstream media.
Anyone who talks about it is branded a conspiracy theorist nutcase.
If you’d like to watch the full movie for more info, check out ‘Plandemic 2: Indoctornation’
A must-watch for insight you won’t see in mainstream media.
Some outspoken critics aren’t afraid to call out Gates’s demonic vaccine experiments:
Experimenting on and incidentally paralyzing and infertilizing poor colored children in Africa and India is as dangerous as it sounds.
You and @WHO got around FDA vaccine regulations by traveling to third world countries and offering “philanthropy”.You are both absolute scum.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) April 15, 2020
Mrs. Gates’s Satanist doomsday prediction has failed to come to fruition.
Experts are eager to know the real number of COVID-19 cases in Africa, as confirmed cases and deaths have been relatively low on the continent of 1.3 billion people. Poor data collection, however, has complicated efforts.
— The Seattle Times (@seattletimes) August 13, 2020
Experts are eager to know the real number of COVID-19 cases in Africa, as confirmed cases have been low on the continent. -Associated Press News (Summarized by Agolo)
— Agolo (@agolo) August 14, 2020
She just pissed off African citizens:
Others who aren’t fooled by the Gates philanthropic charade:
The United Nations has admitted that Bill Gates’ polio vaccine is actually causing a polio outbreak in Africa. His vaccine is causing children to get polio. The man is evil. He is causing inexcusable suffering to African children. Deplorable. #billgates #vaccines
— Happy & Healthy being in the Control Group (@oceanusblue63) September 5, 2020
Zero Hedge reported on the scandal in Africa:
The United Nations has been forced to admit that a major international vaccine initiative is actually causing the outbreak of the very disease it was supposed to wipe-out.
While international organisations like the World Health Organization (WHO) will regular boast about supposedly ‘eradicating polio’ with vaccines, the opposite seems to be the case. Their decades-long campaign to eradicate polio is now killing scores of innocent young people living in poor countries.
This latest pharma-induced pandemic has broken out in the African countries of Chad and Sudan, and the culprit has been identified: a vaccine-derived polio virus type 2. Officials now fear this new dangerous strain could soon ‘jump continents,’ causing further deadly outbreaks around the world.
Shocking as it sounds, this Big Pharma debacle is not new. After spending some $16 billion over 30 years to eradicate polio, international health bodies have ‘accidentally’ reintroduced the disease to in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and also Iran, as the central Asia region was hit by a virulent strain of polio spawned by the corporate pharmaceutical vaccine distributed there. Also, in 2019, the government of Ethiopia ordered the destruction of 57,000 vials of type 2 oral polio vaccine (mOPV2) following a similar outbreak of vaccine-induced polio.
It’s important to note that the oral polio vaccine being pushed on to the African population by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), a consortium which is supported and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Currently, the first experimental COVID-19 vaccine is being tested on the African population through GAVI Vaccine Alliance, another organization funded by the Gates Foundation. A large round of human trials will take place in South Africa, locally managed by the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg—yet another Gates-funded institution.
This latest revelation from Africa should prompt media and health advocates to ask hard questions about the efficacy and safety of the much-hyped COVID ‘miracle’ vaccine.
The mainstream media will continue to shove Bill Gates’s devilish experiments under the rug.
Fact-checkers will keep lying that they never happened.
But this evil man WILL be exposed.
Truth seekers will see to it.
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