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Joe Biden’s Niece Caroline Pleads Guilty to DUI but Won’t Face Jail Time


Could you imagine if this was a Trump family member?

The mainstream press would jump like vicious dogs all over this story.

But since it’s a Biden, they’re hush hush about Caroline Biden’s DUI guilty plea.

I think the more accurate term would be ‘Democrat Privilege’ or maybe ‘Biden Privilege.’

If you’re a member of the Biden cartel, your crimes get little news coverage and you receive a slap on the wrist.

No real consequences.

Yet, the left-wing media continuously smears Trump and his family with disgusting lies.

The hypocrisy never ends.

The New York Post had the scoop on the latest Biden family scandal:

Joe Biden’s niece Caroline Biden pleaded guilty to DUI on Dec. 3 — and was sentenced to 20 days to six months of “confinement,” Pennsylvania court records said.

But the small print shows Biden, 33, won’t see a day behind bars after she negotiated a plea deal with the Montgomery County district attorney.

Instead of jail, she got five-plus months of probation, with 20 days of rehab in January counted toward her sentence.

The walk-free plea continues a long Biden family tradition of avoiding jail time. A Post investigation in July found at least eight other busts of Bidens resulted in wrist slaps.

“She will be on probation … Should she then violate or break the law at any time, then she will be on the hook for the rest of the sentence,” Kate Delano, a DA spokeswoman told The Post.

Biden, daughter of James Biden, was busted in Lower Merion Township, Pa., in August 2019 after slamming her car into a tree. Arresting officer Jeffrey Seamans noted Biden, who was driving without a license, “had difficulty focusing on the conversation” as he questioned her.

Biden’s car contained pill bottles for carisoprodol and lorazepam, both of which are controlled substances. A blood test later confirmed those and other drugs were in her system at the time of the crash.

As her Uncle Joe campaigned for president, the case took more than a year crawling through the Pennsylvania courts. Her arraignment was held on Nov 4 — one day after the presidential election.

A court spokesperson insisted the date was auto-generated and its post-election timing coincidental.

Mike Gottlieb, a Norristown, Pa., attorney with experience in DUI cases, said the ruling was fair for a first offense. “It is not an unusual sentence to get credit for the time in the rehab. So truthfully, I don’t think she was treated any differently than any of my clients would have been,” he told The Post.

While the DUI may have been Caroline Biden’s first offense in Pennsylvania, her New York rap sheet includes dropping more than $110,000 on a stolen credit card and allegedly assaulting an NYPD officer.

In the DUI case, Biden was also ordered to pony up $1,990 in fines and legal costs and “participate in a public or nonprofit community service program for 12 hours.” Her license was also suspended for a year and she will be compelled to participate in a drug and alcohol awareness program, Delano said.

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I’m sure the post-election hearing date was purely a coincidence.


You know the mainstream media would jump all over this had it been a Trump family member.

And you or I would be thrown in the slammer without a second thought with her rap sheet.

Just another case of Biden political bias.



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