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Senator Ted Cruz Shows Some Backbone and Urges the U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Emergency Injunction from Pennsylvania


Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R) shows no sign of backing down and issued a strong statement to the U.S. Supreme Court.

On Tuesday, Cruz tweeted this message:

With all the RINOs showing their true colors the past month, Cruz’s remarks are a refreshing surprise.

The overwhelming majority of Republican voters want Trump in office and GOP sellouts will face serious challenges once up for re-election.

Cruz appears ready to fight for free and fair elections to ensure only legal votes count.

The constitutional republic depends on it.

As reported by Newsmax:

Cruz, the longest serving solicitor general in the history of Texas and a former law professor at the University of Texas Law School in Austin, is the first U.S. senator to publicly support the appeal, filed by Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Pa.

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“Hearing this case now – on an emergency expedited basis – would be an important step in helping rebuild confidence in the integrity of our democratic system,” Cruz said in statement that also noted a Reuters/Ipsos poll found 39% of Americans believed the election was “rigged.”

Kelly’s appeal argues the Pennsylvania legislature passed legislation greatly expanding the use of absentee voting, making it a “no-excuse” mail-in election and contradicting the state’s Constitution. It further derides the Pennsylvania Supreme Court for dismissing Kelly’s lawsuit for “laches,” a legal term for a procedural issue saying the case was brought too late.

Cruz was especially critical of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s dismissal on the procedural ground.

“Even more persuasively, the plaintiffs point out that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has also held that plaintiffs don’t have standing to challenge an election law until after the election, meaning that the court effectively put them in a Catch-22: before the election, they lacked standing; after the election, they’ve delayed too long,” Cruz said. “The result of the court’s gamesmanship is that a facially unconstitutional election law can never be judicially challenged.”

It’s worth noting that Cruz was a member of the legal team that ultimately secured the victory for George W. Bush in 2000.

Cruz has a reputation as a skilled lawyer and his statement sends a strong message to the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the case.


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