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Articles Of Impeachment Are Filed Against Ohio Governor Over Abuse Of Powers During The Coronavirus Orders


It looks like the power-hungry governor of Ohio is being held accountable.

A group of  Republican Representatives in Ohio have filed 12 articles of impeachment against RINO governor Mike Dewine.

In the articles of impeachment the Reps state that “Governor DeWine’s mismanagement, malfeasance, misfeasance, abuse of power, and other crimes” have put the citizens in harm’s way

The impeachment articles go on to say he vetoed a key bill that limits the governor of Ohio’s power during a pandemic.

Fox News covered the impeachment articles against Dewine and shared these details:

Ohio state GOP lawmakers on Tuesday filed articles of impeachment against Republican Gov. Mike DeWine over his mask mandate and order for businesses to close to curtail the spread of COVID-19.

The group of Republicans, led by state Rep. John Becker, have filed 12 articles of impeachment in what they say is an “effort to restore the rule of law.”

They allege that DeWine’s orders were unconstitutional and an “abuse of power.”

Becker said in a statement that DeWine “continues to stifle those cries by finding more inventive ways to use masks to muffle the voices of the people.”

“He continues to have callous disregard for the fact that his isolation policies have led to a shockingly high number of suicides, alarming rates of drug abuse, persistently high unemployment, and the forced abandonment of the elderly by their loves ones,” he said.

Breitbart News also covered the story:

SIGN THE PETITION: Release The Epstein Client List!

A total of 12 articles of impeachment have officially been filed against Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine over abuse of power during the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

Ohio State Rep. John Becker (R) was joined by Representatives Candice Keller (R), Nino Vitale (R), and Paul Zeltwanger (R) in filing articles of impeachment against Governor DeWine, according to a report by Cleveland 19 News.

The representatives argue that DeWine has abused his power during the pandemic, noting that the governor vetoed Senate Bill 55 — and threatened to veto other General Assembly legislation, including Senate Bill 311 — which seeks to severely limit the governor’s power during a pandemic.

“Governor DeWine’s mismanagement, malfeasance, misfeasance, abuse of power, and other crimes include, but are not limited to, meddling in the conduct of a presidential primary election, arbitrarily closing and placing curfews on certain businesses, while allowing other businesses to remain open,” said Rep. Becker’s office in a statement.

On a side note the governor also already declared Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 election.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 election have clearly shown us which governors are RINOS.


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