It’s one thing for Republicans to believe that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from President Trump.
But now, new data suggests that a growing number of Democrats believe the same thing.
An estimated 30 percent of Democrats believe that Donald Trump won the election.
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That’s nearly 1/3 of all Democrats!
These results are taken from the latest Rasmussen poll.
Rasmussen was one of the most accurate pollsters in both 2016 and 2020.
When all likely voters are polled, it turns out that 47% of the voting populace believes that the election was rigged.
This is with the fake news and social media companies suppressing the flow of information and free speech.
Can you imagine how many more people would be questioning the narrative if they had access to the truth?
More details below:
Whoa: Nearly a Third of Democrats Believe the Election Was Stolen From Trump
— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) November 20, 2020
Very few Americans believed the Russian Collusion push by the media & Schiff – even Democrats when under oath said they saw no evidence of it.
But the 2020 Election? 70% of 72 million & I’m assessing 30% of the 77 million that voted for Biden believe this was a stolen election.
— Michael P Pregent (@MPPregent) November 11, 2020
These are stunning numbers.
We should perform an audit so that the American people have FAITH in the electoral process.
Whether Trump or Biden wins, we want to know that the results are ACCURATE.
The will of the American people must be respected!
PJ Media confirms these recent findings:
While the election hasn’t been certified, and the results are pending litigation, the media has effectively crowned Joe Biden the victor in the 2020 election, and voters have some strong opinions on the matter.
According to a Rasmussen poll conducted November 17-18, nearly half of likely voters, 47 percent, believe the election was stolen from Trump. If Joe Biden is ultimately certified as the winner, there will undoubtedly be a big fat asterisk on his presidency. This should be very concerning for Joe Biden. President George W. Bush had the 2000 election cast a dark shadow over his presidency, with many Democrats to this day refusing to acknowledge his presidency as legitimate. If Biden is confident in the legitimacy of the results as they stand now, he should be willing to let the process continue, and should publicly express his support for this.
But, Joe Biden’s problems are not simply because many Republicans believe the election was stolen. It’s true that the poll showed a significant partisan divide on this issue: 75 percent of Republicans believe it is very likely (61 percent) or somewhat likely (14 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump. But, according to the poll, while 69 percent of Democrats say it is not at all likely (61 percent) or not very likely (8 percent) that the election was stolen from Trump, 30 percent of Democrats believe it is very likely (20 percent) or somewhat likely (10 percent) that it was.
Let me repeat, nearly a third of Democrats believe it is likely that the election was stolen from President Trump. That’s a remarkable number. Huge, in fact.
Despite the fact that nearly half of all voters believe the election was likely stolen from Trump, 61 percent believe Trump should concede. How many Democrats believe it is likely that the election was stolen, but think Trump should concede anyway? That’s quite a disturbing thing to consider.
To put this into perspective, more Democrats believe the election was stolen from Trump… than Republicans believed in Russian collusion in 2016.
There is more evidence now of voter fraud than there ever was of Russian collusion!
>"The most secure election in history"
-The most securely stolen for Democrats
— Sam Parker 🇺🇲 (@SamParkerSenate) November 18, 2020
The Democrats keep calling for “unity.”
They could unify us if they committed to TRANSPARENCY.
How hard is that to do?
If you have nothing to hide, then why do you fear an audit?
The latest YouGov poll appears to suggest that the vast majority of Trump supporters would view a Biden presidency as illegitimate:
Two weeks after the Presidential election where Democratic nominee Joe Biden won 270 Electoral College votes and the presidency, those on the other side continue to reject that outcome. President Donald Trump, and the vast majority of his supporters in the latest Economist/YouGov poll, deny that Biden was legitimately elected (88%), say voter fraud affecting the outcome (89%) and believe that recounts may change the election results (43%).
Nearly nine in ten Trump voters (88%) don’t think the President-Elect won legitimately, and their problems with the election mirror those expressed by the defeated incumbent. Nine in ten Trump voters believe that mail balloting was manipulated to favor Biden (91%) and that illegal immigrants tried to vote fraudulently (89%). Nearly all the President’s voters claim fraud occurred in the election (79% said there was “a lot” of it), with most believing fraud changed the outcome.
For Trump voters, recounts are necessary to help them accept the outcome. More than three in five of the President’s voters say recounts would make them more confident in the election results. But that is because most of those voters believe that the results would change after recounts, giving the President a victory. So far, however, ballot recounting has not affected Biden’s victory, and it is not expected to.
Those Trump voters who don’t expect the outcome will change, and those who aren’t sure what the impact of recounts would be, are much less positive about them.
There is even doubt among Trump voters that their own vote was properly counted. Even before the election, Trump voters were more likely to worry about the vote counting than those who supported the former Vice President. Now, approaching half (46%) have little or no confidence that their own vote was counted accurately. Only 2% of Biden voters think this.
Four in five Trump voters have little or no confidence that the overall election was fairly held. In fact, 80% of Trump voters say it is likely that the country will never really know the real outcome of the election.
If there is this much doubt in the election, then how can we ever achieve unity?
We must commit to transparency and integrity for the future of our democratic republic!
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