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Volunteer Auditors, Data Analysts, and IT Specialists Report Enough Fraudulent Votes in Swing States to Flip Election to Trump


A team of independent professionals have worked around the clock to uncover rampant voter fraud.

Their efforts are paying off as numerous voting irregularities have been discovered this week.

Deleted Trump votes. Trump votes switched to Biden. Biden only votes.

You name it!

Our friends at Gateway Pundit had this exclusive on the independent analysis:

After we had identified a number of anomalies where votes appeared to be ‘switched’ from President Trump to Joe Biden, a group of experts dug into election data and found this was not an innocent mistake.  By using election day data, this group found millions of votes removed from President Trump and placed in the Biden column.  (This data is now being reviewed but our initial results are consistent with the group’s reporting.)

Despite finding additional fraudulent activities, such as turning off the signature verification system in Nevada, CBS News reports that official sources say this election was the “most secure in American history.”

Other analysts found more than 43,000 ineligible out of state votes in crucial swing states:

There are already lawsuits and affidavits to investigate the corrupt actions in Michigan and Pennsylvania.

So any remarks by the liberal media that this election was the ‘most secure ever’ are laughable.

If the suspected fraudulent votes are confirmed by the states and tossed out, it would hand the victory to Trump in at least 4 states.

Of course, there is more work to be done to uncover more illegal activities by the Democrats!


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