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Kavanaugh, Roberts, And Barrett Were All Attorneys Representing Bush In Bush Vs. Gore


Trump is literally playing 4-d chess.

Most of you remember Bush vs. Gore in 2000 right?

Just to give you a recap the 2000 election between Bush vs. Gore was decided by  United States Supreme Court and ultimately sided with George Bush on a recount dispute in Florida.

An unknown fact is that Chief Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, Justices Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett were all Bush’s attorneys.

Trump has nominated two of the three current Justices who were on Bush’s legal team during the 2000 election.

See what CNN had to share about the story:

Judge Amy Coney Barrett, will be one of three current Supreme Court justices who assisted the legal team of then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush in the Florida ballot-recount battle that came down to a single vote at the Supreme Court.

The court’s December 12, 2000, decision cutting off Florida recounts tore apart the justices and the nation, and the case hovers in the air today as America approaches the November 3 presidential election.

Other current justices benefited from the decision giving Bush the White House over Vice President Al Gore, as they eventually became Bush appointees to the bench. Conversely, a pending judgeship for one of the current members was derailed by Bush v. Gore — temporarily.

The Washington Post reported this before Barret’s confirmation:

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Amy Coney Barrett was just three years out of law school, a 28-year-old associate at a boutique Washington law firm, when she was dispatched to Florida to help George W. Bush’s legal team rescue thousands of Republican absentee ballots.

At issue were thousands of absentee ballot request forms in Martin County — just north of Palm Beach County, home of the notorious “butterfly ballot” — that had missing voter registration information.

As both parties brace for the possibility of another contested election that Trump has suggested could go to the high court, the previously unreported role of his Supreme Court nominee in the absentee ballot fight is more than a historical footnote. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh also played a role in Bush v. Gore — meaning that if Barrett is confirmed, three of the nine justices will have participated in litigation related to the only presidential contest to be decided by the high court.

“Here we are, two decades after Bush v. Gore, and it’s as if it was yesterday,” said Daniel Smith, a University of Florida political science professor. “It divided the nation 20 years ago, and it’s amazing how it continues to be a specter in national politics.”

Trump is always two steps ahead of the Democrats.

The media can paint the situation however they like but the reality is  Trump is in the driver’s seat in this election.


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