How stupid do they think we are?
The evidence speaks for itself, yet the media is telling us that we can't believe our eyes.
The New York Times attempted to "fact check" a claim going viral on social media.
But you won't believe their *excuse* for why this claim is "false."
Joe Biden allegedly received 138,000 votes in a ballot dump in Michigan while President Trump received zero.
Here's an image showing the figure that is circulating on social media:
As you can see in the image...
In the middle of the night, Biden miraculously received 138,000 votes while President Trump received 0.
The New York Times attempted to fact check this claim...
You know what their excuse was?
That this was a "typo."
That's right...
It has allegedly been fixed, yet Biden still is reported to have won the state.
And they wonder why we don't trust them?
Here's what the New York Timesreported:
Early Wednesday, images of an election map suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had suddenly received 138,339 votes in Michigan, or 100 percent of the newly counted ballots in an update of the state’s tally.
The images quickly set off claims of election fraud across social media, amplified by President Trump, who shared them on Twitter with the caption: “WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT?”
In reality, Mr. Biden didn’t receive those votes. They were briefly added to his unofficial totals on an election map because of a typo in a small Michigan county that was caught and corrected in roughly half an hour.“All it was is there was an extra zero that got typed in,” said Abigail Bowen, the elections clerk in Shiawassee County in Michigan, just northwest of Detroit. “It was caught quickly,” she added. “That’s why we have these checks and balances.”
When Ms. Bowen and her team sent the county’s unofficial vote counts to Michigan officials early Wednesday, they accidentally reported Mr. Biden’s tally as 153,710, when it should have been 15,371, she said. About 20 minutes later, she said a state elections official called her to ask if the number was a typo; Shiawassee County doesn’t even have that many residents. Ms. Bowen said she corrected the figure and the number was updated.
“All of these numbers are unofficial, so even if it wouldn’t have been caught last night, it absolutely would have been caught before we would have submitted our official results,” she said. A team of two Republican and two Democratic canvassers review all of the county’s poll books, ballot summaries and tabulator tapes to confirm the results before they are finalized, she said.
“As far as Shiawassee County, I feel the election went very well,” she said.
Yet on social media, the county represented a stark example of voter fraud. Posts that highlighted the apparent sudden boost in Mr. Biden’s count in Michigan were shared more than 100,000 times, and conservative websites posted stories with headlines like: “Very Odd: Michigan Found Over 100,000 Ballots and Every Single One Has Joe Biden’s Name on It.”
Matt Mackowiak, a Texas Republican consultant, posted the screenshots of the election map on Twitter and watched them quickly go viral, eventually shared by the president himself. Twitter eventually labeled Mr. Mackowiak’s post as disputed or misleading, and the company stopped people from sharing it as easily.
Seriously, folks...
A "typo."
And they wonder why we have a difficult time trusting them!
That's not the only issue in Michigan.
At least one county will manually recount their votes after a "software issue."
Detroit's local network Click on Detroit reports:
As of 9 a.m. Thursday, Antrim County is the only county in Michigan that doesn’t have election results in.
The county’s website has election results from its May election, the August and March primaries, and the November 2019 election. So why isn’t there anything reported for the 2020 General Election?
The short answer is the county is recounting the ballots manually by hand.
Between 1884 and 2016, Antrim County voters have selected Republican candidates in 32 of the 34 national elections. In 2016, President Donald Trump won the county with about 8,500 votes -- nearly twice as many votes as former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received in the county.
When the unofficial results were posted Wednesday morning, former Vice President Joe Biden was in the lead in Antrim County by 3,200 votes, with 98% of the estimated votes reported.Antrim County clerk Sheryl Guy said the results were “apparently skewed” and the information was pulled from the county website. County officials said the results were incorrect and the vote totals counted by election software did not match the printed count.
Officials said the company that makes the software is cooperating with the county to help find out why the counts did not match.
Antrim County contributes a little more than 22,000 to Michigan’s 8 million registered voters. The recount won’t greatly impact Biden’s 150,000 lead over Trump or Sen. Gary Peters' 88,000 lead over John James, but if there is a counting error, it would greatly impact local elections in Antrim County.
“The priority is to make sure every vote is counted correctly,” said Antrim County public information officer Jeremy Scott. “Rest assured, we are correcting the issue and the system worked.”
Biden won Kent and Saginaw counties, both of which were won by Trump in 2016. However, neither county has the historic consistency of Antrim County. Former president Barack Obama won Kent County in 2008 and, more recently, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer won the county in 2018.
The reality is that the election is not over.
The media doesn't have the power to claim who the winner is.
There are still many paths to inauguration.
But for now...
We need to have the President's back because he has ours!
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