Here at WeLoveTrump we continue to investigate the story of watermarked ballots.
Is the story true?
Just a larp?
Don’t know.
Trending: President Trump Delivers STONE COLD Speech To The U.N., Heralding Nationalism and the U.S.A.!
But I’m going to continue reporting what I see and let you decide!
And we can all watch and see what plays out in the days and weeks to come I guess.
Here’s what’s new….
I want to investigate CISA.
Have you heard a lot about CISA recently?
What is it? Is it real?
Yes, it’s real.
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is the Nation’s risk advisor, working with partners to defend against today’s threats and collaborating to build more secure and resilient infrastructure for the future.• The blue outer ring and the inner red ring indicate CISA’s unity with DHS and a nod to our efforts to cut through government red tape, while the three blue lines in the outer ring represent the Agency’s three congressionally mandated missions: cybersecurity, infrastructure security, and emergency communications. • The eagle faces to the right, signifying CISA’s keen eye on the future and forward posture. • The center shield represents CISA’s commitment to “Defend Today, Secure Tomorrow,” while the eagle’s folded wings reinforce CISA’s protection and defense of our nation. • The image includes wavelengths representing the emergency communications mission, which emanate from buildings that signify the infrastructure security mission, while the nodes in the eagle’s arm indicate the cybersecurity mission. • The bridge represents the vital, two-way connection, communication, and collaboration between the public and private sectors, which is so key to CISA’s mission success. CISA’s new logo officially launched April 30 and has layers of meaning representing the Agency and its mission.
The threats we face—digital and physical, man-made, technological, and natural—are more complex, and the threat actors more diverse, than at any point in our history. CISA is at the heart of mobilizing a collective defense as we lead the Nation’s efforts to understand and manage risk to our critical infrastructure.
What We Do
CISA builds the national capacity to defend against cyber attacks and works with the federal government to provide cybersecurity tools, incident response services and assessment capabilities to safeguard the ‘.gov’ networks that support the essential operations of partner departments and agencies.We coordinate security and resilience efforts using trusted partnerships across the private and public sectors, and deliver technical assistance and assessments to federal stakeholders as well as to infrastructure owners and operators nationwide. CISA also delivers insights on these assessments related to current capabilities to identify gaps, which—along with an examination of emerging technologies—help determine the demand for future capabilities (both near- and long-term).
CISA enhances public safety interoperable communications at all levels of government to help partners across the country develop their emergency communications capabilities.
Working with stakeholders across the country, CISA conducts extensive, nationwide outreach to support and promote the ability of emergency response providers and relevant government officials to continue to communicate in the event of a natural disaster, act of terrorism, or other man-made disaster.
The National Risk Management Center (NRMC) is housed within the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). NRMC is a planning, analysis, and collaboration center working to identify and address the most significant risks to our nation’s critical infrastructure.
NRMC works in close coordination with the private sector and other key stakeholders in the critical infrastructure community to: Identify; Analyze; Prioritize; and Manage the most strategic risks to our National Critical Functions—the functions of government and the private sector so vital to the United States that their disruption, corruption, or dysfunction would have a debilitating impact on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination.
CISA published this official statement on November 4:
Following the final day of voting, Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Christopher Krebs, issued the following statement:
“Over the last four years, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has been a part of a whole-of-nation effort to ensure American voters decide American elections. Importantly, after millions of Americans voted, we have no evidence any foreign adversary was capable of preventing Americans from voting or changing vote tallies.
“We are only here because of the hard work of state and local election officials and private sector partners who have focused efforts on enhancing the security and resilience of elections. The United States government supported these partners throughout the election, bringing the full range of capabilities to bear in securing systems and pushing back against malicious actors seeking to disrupt our process and interfere in our election. CISA will continue to support our state and local partners as they move toward their certification deadlines and the official outcome of the 2020 election.
“We will remain vigilant for any attempts by foreign actors to target or disrupt the ongoing vote counting and final certification of results. The American people are the last line of defense against foreign influence efforts and we encourage continued patience in the coming days and weeks. Keep calm, continue to look to your state and local election officials for trusted information on election results and visit for facts on election security.”
But what about the watermarks?
Is it true that ballots are watermarked or is that just “fake news”?
Again, we go to and find this:
Note I highlighted “watermarks” for you.
That’s straight from the .gov website folks!
Now, what else do we know?
First, two new videos came out today and I’m giving you the Bitchute links.
First up is from Dr. Steve Pieczenik and it’s a bombshell if true:
The second is from Charlie Ward.
Bitchute video here:
I don’t know if either of those men are “in the know” or telling the truth, I’m just reporting what I am finding.
I report, you decide!
Here are more Tweets from today, November 6:
If you count the legal votes, President @realDonaldTrump easily wins this race.
PASS IT ON before Twitter censors this!
— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) November 6, 2020
— Steve Pieczenik (@StevePieczenik) November 6, 2020
#Patriots get ready
— Steve Pieczenik (@StevePieczenik) November 6, 2020
— Steve Pieczenik (@StevePieczenik) November 6, 2020
You know who else is reporting on the story?
Mark Taylor.
Check out this recent interview with Mark Taylor on the Daily Truth Report:
And in case that doesn’t work or gets taken down, I have a backup.
View here on Rumble:
In case you’re coming into this story late, the rest of this article is what I originally first reported on November 4:
Ok folks, buckle up!
I’m not reporting this as true, I don’t know.
But I do find it VERY interesting.
And it just seems like something my President would do.
What I am reporting is that we are FAR from the end of this story.
There is a whole lot to still play out, and I believe Trump will be standing as the victor in the end.
We all know President Trump is not dumb.
He’s a military strategist who spent most of his career studying The Art of War by Sun Tzu….and then implementing it to perfection.
He’s always five steps ahead.
Do you really want me to believe he couldn’t predict they would try to steal the election through the mail in ballots and he didn’t do anything about it?
Didn’t have a plan in place?
Just sat there helpless as they stole it from him?
I don’t buy that for a second.
I repeat….I DO NOT know if this is true, but I find it incredibly interesting.
Is this what happened?
Are we witnessing the greatest military sting operation of all time starting to play out before our very eyes?
Take a look:
That makes A LOT of sense, doesn’t it?
As #17 always says, sometimes you can’t TELL the people, you have to SHOW them.
What better way to “show” the fraud than to let it play out on a grand scale?
Always knowing you held the “Trump card”.
Oh my!
How beautiful it would be!
And after all the fraud was stripped away, would we come to find out President Trump won in a massive landslide?
400 electoral votes?
500 electoral votes?
Keep watching.
Our President is a brilliant man:
So reports that there were hidden watermarks on genuine polling cards and dems put whole load of fake in as they didn’t know….Court action could get interesting. Please be true 😂😂😂
— Janekin24 💥💥🌞🌞Let’s grow the future WE want! (@janekin24) November 4, 2020
The numbers just don’t add up.
Is anyone buying this?
You can’t go from 92% of the votes counted to 95% of the votes counted & flip a 120,000 vote lead in Wisconsin. It’s not possible.
Wisconsin total votes before : Around 3,000,000-3,200,000
What’s 3%? 96,000 at most.
But Biden flipped a 120,000 vote deficit? That defies math.
— Kodai Okuda (@KodaiOkuda) November 4, 2020
Remember, DHS printed the ballots.
They have radioactive isotopes and watermarks and other identifiers. This isn't advertised broadly, but the info was out there.
Ballots printed by other parties or foreign countries won't pass muster when challenged in court.
— Brian Cates – Political Columnist & Pundit (@drawandstrike) November 4, 2020
So…what do you think?
Does it make sense?
Does it feel right to you?
Is President Trump about to go down as the best President in the history of our country?
I can’t think of anything more legendary than if this is truly how things play out.
Oh my!
All will be exposed soon, hang in there.
Keep watching.
Keep the faith.
Keep fighting!
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