It finally happened!
Even after all the Democrats kicking and screaming Amy Coney Barrett is now a Supreme Court Justice.
The Senate finally took a vote and the results were 52-48 favoring Amy Coney Barrett.
Republicans now hold a 6-3 advantage in the Supreme Court which will have a major impact on future decisions.
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CONFIRMED: Amy Coney Barrett will be the 115th Associate Justice of the Supreme Court!
— The White House 45 Archived (@WhiteHouse45) October 27, 2020
BREAKING: The U.S. Senate has confirmed Amy Coney Barrett as a Supreme Court justice, solidifying the court’s rightward tilt just days before the election.
— The Associated Press (@AP) October 27, 2020
The Senate just confirmed Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court of the United States.
One of the most impressive nominees for public office in a generation will serve for life on our highest court.
— Leader McConnell (@LeaderMcConnell) October 27, 2020
Fox News covered the groundbreaking story and added these details:
The Senate voted 52-48 on Monday night to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court in a move that makes the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals judge and Notre Dame law professor the third appointment to the high court by President Trump, solidifying his administration’s legacy even further just a week before Election Day as he seeks a second term.
The last president to nominate three new justices to the Supreme Court was Ronald Reagan.
“Justice Barrett made clear she will issue rulings based solely upon a faithful reading of the law and the Constitution as written not legislate from the bench,” Trump said during a swearing in ceremony at the White House on Monday. ““The American people put their trust in you and their faith in you as you take up the task of defending our laws, our Constitution and this country we all love.”
Democrats, mad.
Constitution, protected.
Amy Coney Barrett, confirmed.
— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) October 27, 2020
Amy Coney Barrett has been confirmed by the Senate
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) October 27, 2020
Where are all the libs who threatened to shut things down if Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed? All that tough talk and the Dems didn’t even pretend to try to obstruct her confirmation. Such a useless opposition party, they worked harder to prevent Bernie from being the nominee
— Rania Khalek (@RaniaKhalek) October 27, 2020
CNN added to the story too:
Senate Republicans voted to confirm President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett on Monday, a major victory for the President and his party just days before November 3, that could push the high court in a more conservative direction for generations to come.
The vote was 52-48. Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, who is in a tough reelection fight, was the only GOP senator to cross party lines and vote with Democrats against the nomination after having expressed concerns that it’s too close to Election Day to consider a nominee.
Trump’s appointment of a new Supreme Court justice marks the third of his tenure in office, giving Republicans a historic opportunity to deliver on the key conservative priority and campaign promise of transforming the federal courts through lifetime appointments.
This President Trump’s 3rd nomination and who knows more could come if he is re-elected in November.
Our country will be great again as Trump says if we can get rid of liberal legislation that has given our country over to darkness.
Now with a 6-3 advantage in the Supreme Court, anything is possible!
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