You’re really going to want to watch this video.
It’s sure to bring a laugh.
Senior Washington correspondent Joe Johns of CNN was making a report outside of the White House when all of the sudden a raccoon started approaching him.
The CNN reporter got startled and screamed out “get” and followed it by throwing a box towards the raccoon.
Check out the video yourself!
Like I said, raccoon 🦝 invasion at the White House this morning is very 2020. Second video of @joejohnscnn of @CNN not having it.
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) October 7, 2020
CNN reporter fends off raccoon at White House moments before going live
— New York Post (@nypost) October 7, 2020
You have to watch this more than once.
Here is the video again!
Oh my god. @joejohnscnn telling a raccoon to get lost is giving me life.— Donie O'Sullivan (@donie) October 7, 2020
The New York Post added these details from the strange encounter:
A CNN reporter found himself moonlighting as an animal control officer Wednesday morning — to fend off a press-hating raccoon seconds before going live.
The wily animal accosted senior Washington correspondent Joe Johns at the White House during his pre-dawn shot.
“Get!” Johns screams, before hurling an unknown object at the varmint off-air and growling at the raccoon, which cannot be seen in his shot.
Maybe the raccoon doesn’t like fake news.
CNN Reporter Joe Johns Goes Off on Raccoon on White House Lawn
— TMZ (@TMZ) October 7, 2020
The Daily Mail had to comment on the hilarious interaction between the raccoon and CNN reporter:
President Trump apparently has a new ally in his long-running feud with the ‘fake news’ media.
A CNN reporter shooed away a raccoon that was scurrying toward his direction on the North Lawn of the White House just as he was about to go live on the air before dawn on Wednesday.
Alisyn Camerota, the co-host of CNN’s early morning program New Day, posted a hilarious outtake showing Joe Johns visibly irritated by the cunning creature.
‘Get!’ Johns is seen yelling at the menacing raccoon while he prepares to report from the White House.
It’s because they keep badgering Trump.
— Rocky Mountain Mike (@RockyMntnMike) October 7, 2020
Raccoons are so cute, but we fear them.
— Gary and Shannon (@GaryandShannon) October 7, 2020
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