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Former Biden Chief of Staff Now Executive VP at Fox!

Paging Chris Wallace!


Surprise Surprise. 

Fox News has increasingly lurched to the Left as of late. 

And as it turns out the channels new Executive Vice President, Danny O'Brien, is the former Chief of Staff to none other than…

That's right!

Former Senator Joe Biden!

His bio, from

Danny O’Brien is the Executive Vice President and Head of Government Relations for Fox Corporation. In this role, he leads the Company’s legislative, regulatory and strategic policy matters.

Before joining FOX in October 2018, Mr. O’Brien served as the Government Relations Leader for GE Transportation, where he oversaw GE’s global engagement on commercial and public policy issues impacting GE’s aviation and locomotives businesses.

Mr. O’Brien served as a long-time senior advisor in the United States Senate where he was chief of staff to Senators Torricelli, Biden and Menendez.  Serving the three Senators, Mr. O’Brien managed their policy, communications and political strategies.  In the Senate, Mr. O’Brien also served as the staff director for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee where he managed the Committee’s policy and legislative priorities in the areas of national security, economic statecraft, human rights and democracy."


I wonder if that's Democrat Senator Bob Menendez???

What are the chances??!

O'Brien also has the honor of being the news company's top lobbyist, which has has much exerience in.

Heck he even lobbied for Democrat Senator Amy Klobuchar!


When Rupert Murdoch sold part of his 21st Century Fox company to Disney, he formed a new firm, Fox Corporation, which retained the rightwing news network Fox News, Fox Business Network, and many television stations and sports broadcasting companies. Multiple former Trump White House and GOP officials joined the company, including Hope Hicks, the former White House communications director, as chief communications officer and, later, former Wisconsin Republican and House Speaker Paul Ryan as a board member.

But Fox also hired another political figure: Danny O’Brien, a former top aide to Democratic former vice president and current presidential candidate Joe Biden. From March 2003 to August 2006, O’Brien was then-Sen. Biden’s chief of staff. Two years later, he signed on as Sen. Robert Menendez’s (D-N.J.) chief of staff and then as the Democratic staff director of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In late 2014 he left Congress for an executive-level government affairs job at General Electric.

In October 2018, Fox Corporation named O’Brien as its executive vice president and head of government relations, the company’s chief lobbying position. Over the past few years, Fox News and the Trump White House have enjoyed a well-oiled revolving door, but O’Brien’s hire doesn’t fit that pattern.

According to a lobbying report posted in late July, O’Brien began officially lobbying for Fox News in the second quarter of 2019, his first registered federal lobbying activities, according to Senate records. Along with two others, O’Brien lobbied Congress on various issues including online privacy and data collection, sports betting, advertising, the First Amendment, and “media ownership.”

O’Brien and his Fox colleagues are lobbying on several bills affecting television advertising, including several that impose requirements on prescription drug advertisers. One bill is H.R. 3327, the Drug Price Transparency for Medicare Patients Act of 2019, which requires “direct-to-consumer television advertisements for prescription drugs and biological products [to] include the list price of such drugs and products.” O’Brien lobbied on S. 73, the End Taxpayer Subsidies for Drug Ads Act, a bill sponsored by a number of Senate Democrats and independents that prohibits pharmaceutical companies from claiming “tax deductions for expenses relating to direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs.”

O’Brien lobbied on Democratic senator and presidential contender Amy Klobuchar’s Honest Ads Act, which expands the definition of political advertising, requires online political advertisers to disclose more identifying information in their ads, and enhances checks on political advertising by foreign entities. Another bill lobbied on by O’Brien is H.R. 896, the Fairness in Political Advertising Act of 2019, which would require “radio and television broadcasters to provide free broadcasting time for political advertising, and for other purposes.”

Biden has criticized Fox News for its biased coverage, telling reporter Peter Doocy, “I know you’re going to go after me no matter what,” adding that he can handle it because “I’m a big boy.”

Reuters confirms:

The angle of the article is patently absurd. 

Criticizing Fox News for partisanship is hysterically laughable when just about every news organization in the country is feeding Joe Biden questions ahead of time to be answered by his magic ouji board/teleprompter. 

Under the stewardship of O'Brien, we can now:

Watch the day time broadcast and be met with the constant undermining of President Trump's agenda by Sandra Smith. 

Watch the evening broadcast and be bombarded by the insufferable rants of Juan Williams. 

Watch Chris Wallace be paraded around like the fool he is bashing Trump every which way from Sunday after his farcical performance at the debate. 

And O!

Be told by Harris Faulkner that we can't discuss George Soros. 

I for one will be pulling the plug. 


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