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John Durham Has Taken Over The Investigation Into The Clinton Foundation!


Bill and Hillary have gotten away with it for decades.

They’ve taken money from foreign governments while Hillary was Secretary of State.

They screwed over the people of Haiti.

And let’s not even get started on their association with Jeffrey Epstein!

Well it looks like the Department of Justice is starting to ask questions.

John Durham, the attorney appointed by Bill Barr to investigate FBI corruption in the 2016 election is seeking information on the Clinton Foundation.

Here’s the story from the New York Times:

It turns out that Mr. Durham also focused attention on certain political enemies of Mr. Trump: the Clintons.

Mr. Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut assigned by Mr. Barr to review the Russia inquiry, has sought documents and interviews about how federal law enforcement officials handled an investigation around the same time into allegations of political corruption at the Clinton Foundation, according to people familiar with the matter.

Mr. Durham’s team members have suggested to others that they are comparing the two investigations as well as examining whether investigators in the Russia inquiry flouted laws or policies. It was not clear whether Mr. Durham’s investigators were similarly looking for violations in the Clinton Foundation investigation, nor whether the comparison would be included or play a major role in the outcome of Mr. Durham’s inquiry.

You can expect the media to go absolutely bonkers on this one.

Cronyism is just fine as long as it’s done by Democrats.



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