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New Law Allowing Drivers To Run Over a Mob If Fleeing For Safety Proposed!


I’ve been saying we need a law like this for a LONG time!

After watching countless people literally drug out of their cars by an angry and violent ANTIFA and BLM mob, I’ve been saying this has to stop.

No American should be forced to stay in their car surrounded by a mob with no options for escape.

If a mob is swarming your car, you should 100% be allowed to put the PEDAL TO THE MEDAL and high tail it right out of there!

And before any bleeding heart lib tries to cry about “fascism” or some other nonsense, let me give you some really great advice….

There are no guarantees in life, they say, other than death and taxes.

But I have a THIRD guarantee you cana take to the bank!

I 100% GUAR-AN-TEE that you will never, and I mean EVVVVVVER, get run over by a car if you chooose not to join a mob, block traffic and attack people in their cars!


No one has ever been ran over while minding their own business peacefully in their house.  

Never.  Ever.

So I applaud Gov. DeSantis and I’d love to see this spread to all 50 states or a federal law or Executive Order passed by President Trump allowing the same thing!

Take a look:



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