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California’s Trump Boat Parade Was Absolutely Massive


Trump boaters set for sail in the treacherous  Democratic waters of California.

Thousands of Trump supporters were on the San Diego Bay showing their support for our President.

Boats were all tricked out with American Flags and Trump 2020 flags.

Check out these awesome videos below of all the boaters:

CBS 8 covered the awesome parade and had these comments to add to the story:

The Military Appreciation Channel hosted a President Trump Boat Parade on San Diego Bay near Naval Base Point Loma Sunday from midday into the evening.


Thousands of boats took to the water Sunday in San Diego in support of the president. Many were decked out in Trump 2020 flags and red, white and blue.

San Diego Harbor Police and San Diego police said they did not encounter any issues during the parade and did not respond to any counter protests.

The Daily Mail chipped in and had this to report:

In San Diego, California, tens of thousands of Trump supporters lined the San Diego Bay on Sunday afternoon.

Around 2,000 boats outfitted in Trump 2020 flags, controversial Confederate flag and a host of American flags as they floated.

Tens of thousands of supporters stood along the shoreline, many of them waving banners and flags, and chanted ‘four more years!’

The last time California voted Red for a presidential candidate was in 1988.

This was when George H.W. Bush was elected President.

Hopefully, California will shock the world and turn red once again this November.

Boaters for Trump is a start.


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