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GoFundMe for Salon Owner Accused by Pelosi Raises Over $175,000!


Well folks, at least there’s been some form of justice for the salon owner who’s been absolutely smeared by Nancy Pelosi.

After Pelosi accused the salon owner, Erica Kious, of setting her up, Kious said she’ll probably be forced to close the salon.

Not just from the lack of business due to the COVID shutdown, but also because her Yelp page has been assaulted by haters.

And Kious also has received death threats!

But a GoFundMe page setup for has already raised over $175,000!

The New York Post reports on the astounding sum of money already raised for Kious:

This GoFundMe campaign is to dye for.

A fundraiser set up for the embattled owner of the salon where House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had her hair done has raised almost $128,000 of its $300,000 goal as of Friday morning.

The campaign was set up by Amy Tarkanian, former Nevada Republican Party chairwoman and wife of Danny Tarkanian, who has run for public office several times in the state, according to the Washington Times.

“Erica Kious, a single mother of two and owner of eSalon, where House Speaker Nancy Pelosi got her hair done on Monday, is now being forced to shut down and relocate her business and family due to outrage and threats she is receiving,” Tarkanian wrote on the GoFundMe page.

“A maskless House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited eSalon on Monday afternoon for a wash and blow-out, despite local ordinances keeping salons closed amid the coronavirus pandemic,” she continued.

Watch the press conference Kious gave below, where you can clearly see she's distressed over the whole situation:

ABC has more details on Kious's press conference:

The owner of eSalon in San Francisco held a news conference Thursday evening denying she "set up" House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Erica Kious fought back tears as she read from a statement saying Pelosi should be the one to apologize to Americans for her actions earlier this week.

Kious released video of Pelosi in her Cow Hollow salon on Monday, getting her hair done. Indoor salon services are against San Francisco's health orders. In the clip, Pelosi is not wearing a mask.

"Hairstylists and other small business owners in San Francisco and elsewhere are doing what they need to do to survive," said Kious. "The point of releasing this video was to show a woman in a high-risk age group who spends much of her time on TV warning about the dangers of COVID-19, feel safe and comfortable in a San Francisco salon, and can be responsible for being cautious and mindful. Why can't the rest of San Francisco and the rest of America do that too?"

Trump even tweeted that maybe Kious should run for the House of Representatives!


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