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Ann Romney Teams Up with Michelle Obama for “Get Out the Vote” Event


Mitt Romney has become such a disappointment over the past four years.

You’ll recall that he voted in January to remove Trump from office and is constantly taking Democrats side over Trump’s.

Now his wife has decided to team up with none other than Michelle Obama!

The two will be featured together in a “Get Out the Vote” event airing later this month.

Check out the story from Fox News:

Ann Romney and Michelle Obama are teaming up to promote voting this fall on television.

The former first lady and Romney, whose husband lost to then Sen.-Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential race, will appear on  “VOMO: Vote Or Miss Out,” an hourlong “non-partisan comedy event” that, according to ABC, will “encourage electoral participation in the 2020 election” when it airs on Sept. 14.

Romney’s husband Mitt has not endorsed Joe Biden, but has said he will not vote for President Trump in the 2020 election.

The event is supposed to be “non-partisan,” but we all know what these “voter encouragement” events are really about.

They’re about encouraging Dems to get out and vote!

Just take a look at the guest list!

It's filled with Hollywood celebrities.

And both Arnold Schwarzenegger and Cindy McCain will be there.

None of these people support Trump or will be voting for him in November!

So much for a "non-partisan" event.

Meanwhile, The Hill reports that good old Mitt Romney is now accusing President Trump of inciting racial hatred:

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) accused President Trump of attempting to “further inflame racial tensions” with his response to unrest in American cities.

“The comments and tweets over the past few days, including a retweet of a 2019 video clearly intended to further inflame racial tensions, are simply jaw-dropping,” Romney told The New York Times. The video in question, which Trump retweeted, shows a Black man shoving a white woman into a New York subway train in 2019. The tweet falsely claims the assault was the work of “Black Lives Matter/Antifa.”

Romney was the only Republican senator to talk about the president’s comments and tweets in recent days when asked by the Times. Other unsubstantiated or inflammatory comments have included Trump’s claim that Democratic nominee Joe Biden is controlled by “people that you’ve never heard of, people that are in the dark shadows” and his suggestion that police, such as those who shot Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis., “choke, just like in a golf tournament.”

Romney has been one of the president’s most frequent Republican critics in the Senate, and Trump has frequently fired back in response. The Utah senator was also the only Republican senator to vote to convict Trump during his impeachment trial earlier this year.


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