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Former Rep. Jason Chaffetz Calls for Adam Schiff to Be Stripped of Security Clearance


Shifty Schiff is at it again!

For awhile there, he disappeared into the background after the bogus impeachment trials.

And he’s probably disappointed he’s no longer invited onto MSNBC and CNN every night.

Apparently members of Congress have complained to former Representative Jason Chaffetz that Schiff is constantly leaking classified info to the press!

And for that, Chaffetz says Schiff should lose his security clearance and potentially be prosecuted.

Check out the details from Fox News:

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In response, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., told CNN Sunday that the Trump administration is “hid[ing] behind documents or withhold[ing] documents” and “concealing the truth [and] concealing Russians are again intervening to help the president in his reelection.”

“I think John Ratcliffe is actually right, he’s lived it firsthand,” said Chaffetz, now a Fox News contributor. “He was on the [House] intelligence committee, he’s now the director of national intelligence.”

“What Adam Schiff just said in that clip saying they were going to withhold documents, that’s not what John Ratcliffe said. He said he would provide them in writing, that’s what they’ve done,” Chaffetz added. “I got to tell you, the only part [where] I would disagree with my friends John Ratcliffe and the DNI, in general, is if they have direct information about the leaking of classified information, then prosecute them.

“File a complaint at the Department of Justice and prosecute Adam Schiff,” he insisted. “I have seen it, I have heard it, I have listened to everybody complain about how he leaks classified information. Then prosecute him.

“I don’t understand why he has a security clearance,” Chaffetz added. “Nobody is able to describe that to me, because he has done this repeatedly, misrepresented information. It is documented, and he should lose his security clearance. But if he’s done something illegal, like leaked classified information, prosecute him.”



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